1. Topic-
Lesson Title: Let the Games Begin
2. Content-
Lesson addresses state standards 1.14, 5.13,
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of "Improv" games.

2. Students will be able to use movement, voice and body to create an improvisation
4. Objectives-
1. Students should understand the basics of improvisation.
2. Students will understand audience etiquette.
3. Students will develop skills to work collaboratively with others
5. Materials and Aids-
1. on-line links to "whose Line is it anyway" episodes, Theater History(Commedia dell arte), and improv asylum.
2. Ipads with I movie to record group improvisations
3. packets with templates, rubrics and 'rules of improv
4. Hat full of improvisation games and directions
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Hook: show clips from "who's line is it anyway.
2. Ask students to define "improv"
3. Have students identify other improv games they know.

B. Development-

1. Go over rules of "improv"
2. Model improv practices, so objectives are clear
3. arrange students into groups

C. Practice-

1. Take out hat and have teams draw for game
2. give time for teams to discuss selected game, so they can determine what is required.
3. practice amongst teams.
4. performance-have all teams compete in until all game have been played.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Create a video of improvisation session
2. Share video with another team for feedback
3. prepare and perform a 3 to 5 minute improvisation

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. If student development requires select group placement to provide partner with stronger improv skill set.
2. Work with in-class aide to clarify students limits or tactic for success.
3. Side coach to work with students who may require additional prompts or direction during lesson

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Participation, are students engaging in the activity?
2. Rubric, based on the following questions:
Ask your self these questions: Improv

1. In what ways did the actors remain true to the improvisational of
�yes, and …”?
2. How did the performers display trust and acceptance?
3. How did the performers build on each others suggestions?
4. How well did the performers listen and respond to each other?
5. How did the partners show, rather than tell, their feelings?
6. In what ways did the performers keep you interested in the outcome
of the scene?
3. Please write a brief explanation of how you arrived at your score.

G. Closure-

1. Discuss varied degree of difficulty of games in comparison with how much background information the scene is given or that they had to provide themselves
2. How does this lesson connect or utilize the previous lesson, and where we the class will be heading next
7. Evaluation-
1. Are students working outside there comfort zone
2. Are students creating a supportive environment in which their peers will feel comfortable enough to take risks.
3. Improv games continue to build class unity
8. Teacher Reflection-
Are lesson plans supporting desired outcomes? Are students connecting learning to previous lessons or units?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)