1. Topic-
Understanding the Essence of art from different cultures and places.
2. Content-
Students will interact with each other during this activity and be able to identify and describe art from different cultures and countries.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
To have students identify with different cultures and become familiar with various pieces of art from around the world.
4. Objectives-
Through study in the arts, we learn about and honor others and the worlds in which they live now or have lived before.
5. Materials and Aids-
Teacher must supply/ create:
-a website that introduces art from different countries/ cultures that illustrate techniques and products from various artists
-10 printed images of different pieces of art from various countries/ cultures
-10 printed labels of countries/ cultures corresponding to each piece of art
-individual "boarding passes"
-magic carpet for students
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

When the students enter the classroom, they will have a "boarding pass" placed on their desk for them to participate in the virtual field trip they will be taking that day.

B. Development-

The students will use their ticket to board the magic carpet to go on the trip for the day. Once the students are aboard, the teacher will introduce his/ her website with the various arts from selected countries/ cultures.

C. Practice-

After the teacher completes his/ her presentation on the different arts, the students will return to their desks and will be given either an image of a piece of art or a label with the name of a country on it (with a description of a certain piece of art underneath the name). From there, the students will attempt to match their image with the country/ culture they believe it belongs to.

D. Independent Practice-

Each student will have the opportunity to draw their own piece of art that resembles one of the arts previously presented.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Voice-overs will be used, along with subtitles, to accommodate for students with disabilities.

F. Checking for understanding-

To assess whether or not students grasped the information presented, each child will be trying to match their selected image with the country/ culture they feel it belongs to.

G. Closure-

Each student will share their "personal masterpiece" with the class. They will then hang their drawings up around the room.
7. Evaluation-
According to the results from the assessment, the teacher will be able to determine whether or not the students grasped the information they were presented. If they were able to match the pieces of art to the corresponding country, then we know that the activity was successful.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Some possible problems that could arise during this lesson would be technological difficulties, availability of software in the classroom, lack of time between presentation of the lesson and assessment, limited classroom time, funding towards art education, ethical issues concerning image use, and meeting the required standards.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)