1. Topic-
Pop Art
2. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
The goal of this lesson is for students to practice mixing tints and shades while creating a painting inspired by a period in Art History.
3. Objectives-
- Students will increase their knowledge of art history.
- Students will learn about styles, periods and movements in art history, as well as outstanding artists from the past and present. (IEP Goal as well.)
- Students will discuss their views on what makes a work of art better than another as well as discuss the meaning of the iconography of the American Flag in Barbara Kruger’s Untitled, 1991.
- Students will use the principle of design “Repetition” in this painting by repeating their chosen design to create a Pop Art paining inspired by famous Pop Artist Andy Warhol.
- Using paint mixing techniques learned in their introduction to Color Theory, the students will create a monochromatic painting.
- The students will expand their knowledge of Color Theory by identifying the warm and cool colors on the color wheel, selecting one of the themes, and using it in their monochromatic Pop Art Painting.
5. Materials and Aids-
Acrylic paint, brushes, drawing paper, palettes, rulers, copy paper, laptops, promethean board, etc...
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Students will be introduced to Pop Art through a teacher made Powerpoint. The students will read the slides as a class.

B. Development-

Students will discuss various questions included in the slide show including What makes one work of art better than another. Students will discuss various examples of Pop Art and their opinion about what makes each a work of art. Students will discuss Barbara Kruger's work "Untitled 1991", its meaning, and iconography of the American Flag. During this unit students will also view videos of famous Pop Artist so they can be familiarized with the faces of the Pop Art movement.

C. Practice-

The students will use what they have learned in the slide show as inspiration for their own Pop Art Painting. Students are required to complete a sketch that repeats on of the following subjects either 4 or 6 times: a consumer good, comic strip, advertisement, or celebrity. The subject should be iconic of today's popular culture. The students should choose a color scheme from the color wheel, warm or cool and then label each section of the sketch with the color they will use to create a monochromatic painting.

D. Independent Practice-

Once Mrs. Vernell approves a sketch, the student will be given a 12x18 piece of paper for their final copy. Students are encouraged to use the pattern technique learned in a previous lesson to insure accuracy. Students may start painting once their final draft is completed.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Students can make choices based on skill level. They are allowed to choose how many times they will repeat their object, as well as the difficulty of the subject to better accommodate their own drawing skills. Students are provided with drawing tools as well as a laptop to help with drawing including researching their subject to use a a reference for their drawing.

F. Checking for understanding-

The teacher will monitor and give feedback on paintings as they are in progress. Students will complete a mid project self-critique and peer critique as a form of assessment as well.

G. Closure-

Students will complete a final self-crique and peer critique on their finished painting.
7. Evaluation-
Students will be evaluated on the following:
Did the student choose and stick to a warm or cool color scheme? Did the student use a monochromatic scheme for each section?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)