1. Topic-
Line to shape to form
2. Content-

Line: dot that gopes to on a walk, Shape a line that returns homeafter an interesting path, Form is a 3D object built from shapes.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.learn vocab and experience concepts
2.make a form out of shapes
3.make an overlapping shapoe mosaic drawing.
4. Objectives-
1.build a several forms out of shapes.
2.students will describe their artwork usinfg correct terms (line, shape, Form)
3.able to make informed hypothesis of what lines make what shapes, what kind of shapes make a viewed form.
5. Materials and Aids-
card paper, 3d paper model copies for experience reflection, graph paper on tag for production
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Picked stitch hacky sac or baseball. dissect its form into flat shapes.
"A Form is made of Shapes"
2. Trace one of the parts/shape on the white board and leave it incomplete
"A Shape is made with a line that returns to its start"
3. draw a line that wanders around the board
"a line is a dot that goes for a walk" or "a line is a path between points"
draw three pairs of dots, connect one set with a straight line, one set with a wiggly line and one with an angular zigzaggy line.

B. Development-

1.big page on table - remote car with marker- student makes a line
2.big page on table - remote car with marker- student makes a simple shape
3. 2 more students make shapes and they are cut out and taped into a form.

C. Practice-

1.ask students to make 6 sets of paired dots and make different types of lines to connect them, name/describe the lines.
2.have them make three simple shapes each starting with a line they already made and cut them out
3.have them tape them into a 3d form.

D. Independent Practice-

1.class work- make a 6 sided box (dice) from paper.
2. class work- make a model of your shirt or pants- what lines to make what shapes to make your pants? what gets taped closed and what remains open?
3. make a mitten for your hands with polar fleece fabric. (stitch it together for them on machine when they are done)

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.photo copied paper house models to cut out and tape together- decorate then assemble
2.paper solids cut and make copies.
3.dissect a form to make its componant shapes. trace those shapes on a paper and describe what type of lines it is made from (straight or organic)

F. Checking for understanding-

1.different objects on the table- soccer ball, globe, basketball, etc...
ask them to draw the shapes it is made from alone, and in small pattern.
2.ask them to draw the companant lines and describe them.
3.if the largest shape was the size of your bed, how big would the form be?

G. Closure-

1.display products with reflection sheets in case
2.gallery walk followed by slideshow of architcture that makes connection between shape and form.
7. Evaluation-
1.pre test
2.repeat after
journal reflection (see sheet)
extra challenge! get some kids to use card to make a super village of the future.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)