1. Topic-

Work of Art

As a final project, the students will be required to create their own work of art, based on a concept previously learned from the course. Each student will individually produce their work of art, and present it, either to the class or to the teacher or aide.

2. Content-
Vocabulary and content is determined as each student chooses the concept they wish to portray in their art work.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. For each student to correctly associate a concept with a work of art.
2. For each student to express themselves through mediums and concepts discussed in class.
4. Objectives-
1. Decide on a concept from the class.
2. Create an original work of art based on that concept.
3. Present it in class to either their classmates or to the teacher/aide.
5. Materials and Aids-
Any art materials needed for each student will be available upon request. Any technology needed for students with severe sensory or physical disabilities will be determined as needed.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Introduce the project
2.Recap concepts from the class to refresh memory.

B. Development-

1.Have an example already made to demonstrate to class.
2.Teach them appropriate ways to execute the project using a certain concept.

C. Practice-

1. Once students have chosen a concept and a medium of art, they will talk about it with the teacher/aide, to ensure that the students understand the project.
2. There will be class time provided for the students to complete the project, so that the teachers/aides can monitor the students progress.

D. Independent Practice-

1. The teacher/aide will monitor the students in class, as they work on their projects, to make sure that their execution of the project is correct.

E. Checking for understanding-

1. As the students present their works of art, they will be required to explain what concept they chose, and how it relates to their work. This will allow the teacher/aide to know that the student understand the subject matter.

F. Closure-

1. As the students if they enjoyed the project, and what they learned from it.
7. Evaluation-
1. Students will display their knowledge of the subject through their art work, and their presentation.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)