1. Topic-
"How Color Can Change Your Life"
2. Content-
Colors, uses of colors, and emotions.

Key Vocabulary: pastels, turmoil, stick to, wardrobe, irritable, savvy,
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Improve reading fluency
2. Learn key vocabulary
3.Improve reading comprehension
4. Objectives-
1. Complete repeated readings
2.Demonstrate understanding of key vocabulary.
3. Be able to answer reading comprehension and summary questions regarding the reading.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Paint color samples
2. "How Color Can Change Your Life" text from For Your Information 4 book.
3. Taped recording of reading
4. Colored pencils
5. Paper with an outline of a house showing the kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, and children's rooms.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Ask students what their favorite colors are and where they like to see them.
2.Show different color samples and ask how the colors make the students feel. Introduce the new vocabulary by asking questions using all of the words and writing the words and definitions on the board.
3. Have students discuss the intro questions on pg 52 in pairs

B. Development-

1.Timed reading: 10 minutes to read the text individually and answer the comprehension questions in the book

C. Practice-

1.Teacher models some difficult word pronunciation for the class.
2.Read out loud in pairs, alternating paragraphs.
3.Answer the comprehension questions in pairs. Review comprehension questions as a group

D. Independent Practice-

1.Complete exercise on making inferences from the reading, then correct as a class.
2.Write a short summary of the article and hand-in.
3. Complete the vocabulary exercise in the book, then correct as a class.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Taped recording of reading for students who struggle with reading activities.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Assign 3 of the new vocabulary words to each student. Have each student write a sentence using those words. Then check with a partner. Teacher provides feedback.
2. In small groups, use ideas from the text to draw a picture showing what you would like the rooms in your house to look like.
3. Present the drawings to the class, explaining why the group chose the colors it did. Challenge the students to use the new vocabulary words in their presentation.

G. Closure-

1.Are there any real changes anyone in the class will make after reading the article?
2. Survey: Who believes that color can affect your mood?
7. Evaluation-
1. During the timed reading, record who was able to complete the reading and questions within the allotted time with high levels of comprehension.
2. Correct summary of the article for following class period.
3. Assess performance on the exercises during class, focusing attention in specific areas as needed.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)