1. Topic-
The Color Wheel
2. Content-
Color Mixing with Primary Colors
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Understand Color Mixing
2. Understand the layout of the Color Wheel
3. Understand the order of colors on the color wheel
4. Objectives-
1.Create a Color Wheel with only the Primary Colors: Red, Blue and Yellow
5. Materials and Aids-
Paint (Red, Yellow, and Blue)
Paint brush
Paper Plate
Cup of Water
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Explain and point out primary colors
2. Explain and point out the secondary colors
3. Explain and Point out tertiary colors

B. Development-

1. Examine the layout of the color wheel
2. Point out how the colors gradually change as eye moves around the wheel
3. Talk about colors that mix together to create a new color

C. Practice-

1. Mix 2 primary colors together to make a secondary color.
2. Mix a primary and a secondary color to make a tertiary
3. Try mixing other all the primaries together to create a neutral.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students practice mixing primary and secondary colors
2. When they are comfortable with the mixing they can start on their color wheel.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Crayons of all 9 colors can be used to color the color wheel instead of mixing colors with paint.
2. Primary and secondary colors can be used to create color wheel instead of mixing only with primary colors.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Students create their color wheel with colors in correct order.
2. All primary, secondary, and tertiary colors are present on wheel.
3. craftsmanship is present

G. Closure-

1. Clean up
2. Explain that the color wheel is the basis of any color ever invented a long with neutrals. This will all be covered in future lessons.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)