Beginner Level Subject: Likes and Dislikes
1. Topic-
Aesthetics and Design
2. Content-
Discussion and guided activities on aesthetics, creativity, form and content
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Exposure to the philosophy of aesthetics
2.Understanding creativity: is it universal or selective?
3.Define form and how it determines content
4. Objectives-
1.Define aesthetic experience and differentiate it form practical experience
2.Write about their aesthetic response to simple practical experiences from their everyday lives
3.Write about their aesthetic response to a selected work of art emphasizing the experiential, feeling qualities gained from the work
5. Materials and Aids-
1.Color reproductions of two paintings for class discussion 2.Handout of aesthetic stances 3.5 posters of art works that match each aesthetic stance 4.clear plastic containers for each student 5.Water and colored food dye 6.Paper and pencils
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Cup of coffee and cream and a clear glass container are needed for the demonstration of an aesthetic response in ordinary experience

B. Development-

1.Explain and define aesthetics according to book and the answers students wrote on their chapter guides. 2.Explain aesthetic stances using handout. 3.Students match the aesthetic stance with appropriate art work. 4.Introduce the concept of aesthetic experience as distinguished from practical experience, using the coffee and cream example. Demonstrate descriptive and emotional use of language for describing aesthetic response

C. Practice-

1.Introduce class activity with water containers and colored food dye. 2.Ask students to write an aesthetic response to the phenomenon of dye and water. 3.Share student paragraphs in class

D. Checking for understanding-

1.Assignment: aesthetic response to an art work 2.Hand in chapter guide
7. Evaluation-
Make sure they know what their homework is: Read article "The Principle of Devoted Attention" Study an art work of their choice from the book, determine its aesthetic stance , and then write a paragraph of an aesthetic response to that art work to turn in next week (1/30)

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