Grade: High School Subject: Drawing/Advanced Drawing
1. Topic-
Articulating Hands with Expression and Narrative
2. Content-
Using charcoal on white paper, the students will learn how to articulate hands correctly by sighting, measuring and the use of perspective. By using charcoal sticks and pencils, they will learn to shade and create depth while also being introduced to life drawing. They will use their own hands as the model, so students will choose the composition and then it will be approved by the teacher, as the teacher will be taking a photo for them to be used as reference.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.To expand students knowledge by introducing drawing from life rather than drawing only from references.
2.Give students more practice with charcoal.
4. Objectives-
1.To learn how to site and measure while drawing from life.
2.How to correctly indicate perspective with the help of sighting and measuring.
3.To learn how to correctly shade and create value using charcoal.
5. Materials and Aids-
-White Paper (AP - Gray)
-Charcoal sticks/pencils (AP also white charcoal)
-Kneaded/Rubber erasers
-Photo references
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1 Introduce project by talking about hands. Talk about how they can be just as expressive as the face.
2.Show printed examples of artists work and talk about more famous artists (Caravaggio and Michelangelo) and show their work.
3.Explain the project. Also explain why charcoal is the chosen medium.
4.Students will have a few minutes to come up with ideas, so I can take pictures for their reference the next day.
5.For rest of class, they will partner up and practice hand gesturing with person across of them.
6.Class will start on project the next day.

B. Development-

1.Start off with showing half finished demo on gray paper. But return to blank paper to show how to get started from scratch and how to sight and measure.
2.Return to half-finished demo and demonstrate how to articulate even further.
3.Start with shading/value demo, but will return to it later in the week after students have their ideas worked out on paper. (Note that I will go into an AP demo showing them how to use the white conte separately)

C. Practice-

1.Students will have a day to
practice gesturing with another student in the class while I take pictures of the kid's ideas.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.For AP class, they will be working on gray paper instead of white and will be given the choice to have either one or two hands.
2.They will also have to work with black and white charcoal sticks and pencils.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Students should have a clear understanding on how to sight and measure while drawing from life.
2.Students should also have an understanding on how to shade and articulate value using charcoal.

G. Closure-

1.Class and I will have a group critique to discuss each others work.
7. Evaluation-
1.Students should have a clear understanding on how to sight and measure while drawing from life.
2.Students should also have an understanding on how to shade and articulate value using charcoal.
3.Students should have created a strong composition showing expressive hands or displaying a narrative.

This Lesson Plan is available at (