Subject: Survey Economics
1. Topic-
Fiscal Policy & Monetary Policy
2. Content-
-- fiscal
-- monetary
-- policy
-- expansionary
-- contractionary
-- policy lags
-- deficit
-- surplus
-- debt
-- mandatory spending
-- discretionary spending
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will deepen their understanding of how the government receives money.
2. Students will deepen their understanding of how the government spends money.
3. Students will learn some limitations/shortfalls of fiscal policies.
4. Students will learn the difference between a 'debt' and a 'deficit'.
5. Students will learn what causes a deficit.
4. Objectives-
1. Get students to understand where the government gets their money from.
2. Help students understand different ways the government spends money (mandatory vs. discretionary).
3. Help students understand how these fiscal policy decisions truly can affect their daily lives.
4. Help students see the bigger picture of why the government does what they do with fiscal policy.
5. Materials and Aids-
-- projector
-- computer
-- current news article
-- whiteboard (if needed)
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Welcome students upon entering the classroom and check up on how they are doing.
2. Ask students to put phones away and focus on beginning instructions.
3. Explain who Mr. Murphy is and why he is here.
4. Remind students to turn in due assignments and missing work for partial credit.

B. Development-

1. Introduce current news article for the day, reminding students WHEN we do news and WHY we do news.
2. Explain what the article is about and tie in relevancy to students lives.
3. Host brief (verbal) discussion on students thoughts and reactions to the news article.
4. Wrap up/solidify/condense main idea and transition into notes.
5. Ask students to pull out Archive #20, refresh memory of what we covered the previous day.
6. Host brief lecture on fiscal policy, keeping pacing slow but deliberate. Ask students to raise hands, and don't rapid fire questioning.
7. Take a brief "brain break". Get students moving around, taking a break from the material, and getting the minds refocused and refreshed.
8. Refocus students back in their seats and show them Obama's 2013 Budget.
9. Spend a few minutes explaining the interactive budget, tying in material from notes they just took.
10. Finish up Archive #20
11. (IF TIME) Complete 'web activity' of most important areas to spend money on federally.

C. Practice-

-- students will actively participate in current news discussion
-- students will interact with my lecture when asking them questions
-- students will participate in 'brain break' and move around with the rest of the class
-- students will brainstorm ideas of places that are most important to spend federal money on.

D. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Assist students individually who need special help (ones who write slower, ones that fall asleep, those who have trouble speaking English, etc.)

E. Checking for understanding-

1. Ask students to expand their explanation if vague or remote.
2. Ask students questions throughout lecture.
3. Ask students to think of areas they believe are most important to spend money on federally.

F. Closure-

1. If time allows, have the students create a 'web' on the board of the most important areas to spend federal revenue on.
2. Have the students build off each others ideas or explain why they might disagree.
7. Evaluation-
1. Spend a few minutes on personal thoughts/reflections about how the lesson went, change accordingly as class periods move on.
2. Talk with the teacher about overall observation, how things have improved since last observation, and what things to improve upon for future employment (!).
4. Discuss final-semester assessment with teacher, bringing up my personal reflection along with the thoughts from my experience.

This Lesson Plan is available at (