Subject: Personal Finances
1. Topic-
Pay, Benefits, and Working Conditions
2. Content-
Computing payroll, deductions and net pay from information and tables provided.
Page 142 textbook
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Compute wages, regular earnings and overtime earnings, commission
2. Determine payroll taxes
3.Understand employees benefits and incentives
4. Explain flexible job arrangements.
5. Describe the role of unions and professional organizations in the workplace.
4. Objectives-
1.Understand Pay, Benefits, and Incentives
2.Understand deductions both required and voluntary, and net pay
3.Understand the history of Labor Unions and the impact they have on the workplace environment.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. Managing Your Personal Finances.
2. Computer, smartboard, LCD Projector
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Explain to students their paycheck and the information that it listed on it.
2.Explain to students how gross pay and net pay are determine.

B. Development-

1.Chapter lecture(teacher)
2.Class decision
3.Problem solving on the board teacher explanation/demonstration.

C. Practice-

1.Teacher Modeling/ explanation
2.Review Terms, p 168 (text)
3.Review Facts and Ideas, p. 169 (text)
4. Vocabulary and Review Questions.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Apply Your Knowledge, p. 169 (text)
2.Solve Problems, p. 170 (text)
3.Study Guide

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.One on one with students
2.Smartboard lecture
3. Hand -outs
4. Homework

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Check your understanding p. 157 (Review Terms & Review Concepts)
2.Check your understanding p. 166
3. Chapter Review p. 167

G. Closure-

1.Review the major topics of this chapter: gross pay to net paycheck; benefits of employment; trends in the workplace; and the roles of labor unions, and professional organizations
7. Evaluation-
1.Apply Your Knowledge p.169
2.Review Facts and Ideas p. 169
3.Problems solving p. 170

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