1. Topic-
2. Content-
Scarcity and Resource Allocation
Compare different allocation methods for scarce goods and services such as prices, command, first-come-first-served, sharing equally, rationing and
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will understand the value of a "penny," every penny counts.
2.Students will understand that though the patients may have high financial demands for their medical treatment, our donations make it possible.
4. Objectives-
1. After seeing the coins that are being donated, and calculating the totals, the students will see their totals increasing with every penny to reach large donations.
2. After seeing the cost of medical treatment for patients students will compare the cost of assistance to donations.
5. Materials and Aids-
-Pennies for Patients Assembly
-Pennies for Patients pamphlet
-Pennies for Patients collection box
-graph paper
-coin counters, if available
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. The students will attend an assembly to kick off the Pennies for Patients Campaign.
2. The teacher will go over the pamphlets and collection box information.
3. The teacher will explain the program in further detail noting the cost of medical treatment and the importance of us getting donations to rid the burden of medical expenses.

B. Development-

1. After explaining the program and discussing costs, students will set goals in which we will strive to earn those donations.
2. Students will sort coins to get a feel for the amount of donations that we are earning and to compare the types of money that is being donated in order to make accurate predictions as to the amount we are earning as a class and as a school.
3. Students will compare and contrast the amounts earned amongst classrooms and discuss how these donations help towards the total bills in order to treat patients.

C. Practice-

1. The teacher will discuss with the students how to calculate the total amount earned by using multiplication .
2. On the overhead, students are guided as to how to set up their data sheets to record classroom donation amounts.
3.On the overhead, students are shown how to begin their graph.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will demonstrate they know how to reach accurate totals of their donations by calculating the correct totals.
2. Students will demonstrate knowledge of comparing donations by representing it on their graph.
3. Students will show a demonstration of comparing medical costs to the donations lessening the bills by comparing the amount towards the bills being deducted.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. The teacher will provide verbal, and visual directions.
2. The students will work in small groups to support one another while completing the assignment.
3. A coin counter and calculators will be available to assist with totals.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. The teacher will call on several students to check for calculation accuracy.
2. The teacher will be walking around to assist the students and to check for accuracy.

G. Closure-

1. Review the cost of medical treatment and the importance of our donations in the help towards assisting these patients.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)