Subject: Bully-Free School
1. Topic-
Creating a bully free school
2. Content-
Classroom Regulations, anti-bullying policy, What is bullying? What to do when you are being bullied?

Keywords: Bully, Victim, Anti-Bullying, Safe-zone, cyberbullying, consequences
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students are able to recognize bullying when it occurs and not just be a bystander

2. Students begin to police other students positively to remind them that bullying is not tolerated
4. Objectives-
1. Students create and enforce classroom rules and consequences

2. Students understand what bullying is and what to do and where to go if they are being bullied

3. Students begin a anti-bullying committee
5. Materials and Aids-
Chart Paper,
Sign-up sheet,
List of names
Small ziploc bags
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

This lesson is meant to occur on the first day or during the first week of school.

1. Explain that there are no teacher created rules in this classroom and that the students must make their own rules in order to create a safe and positive environment in the classroom

What makes us feel safe in the classroom?
What rules can we make together in order for the classroom to run smoothly and learning can occur?

2. Create a classroom list of rules. Respect for others or bullying should come up in conversation, if not, try and gear the conversation towards that topic.

Does bullying make you feel safe in your class?
Raise your hand if you have been bullied before

B. Development-

1. What is bullying? Explain the key concepts of bullying or have the students make their own definition.

Bullying is....
physically harmful
emotionally harmful
(see mind map)

2. After the map is completed by students on the board (they may write their points on the board to make the lesson more engaging), create a classroom anti-bullying contract as a class. Have these copies ready for the students to sign the next day in the classroom.

3. Explain that you are creating an anti-bullying committee at school. Explain what it is and have a sign up sheet if students would like to join a safe club where everyone is accepted.

4. Bullying happens all the time, what can we do when we are feeling victimized?
Have the students brainstorm more ideas on their mindmap.

5. Explain the safe-zone in the classroom and in the school that they may go to to be alone and get away from the bullies.

C. Practice-

If students have gone to school together for many years, or most students know each other. Do the following activity.

We are all good at something or have positive traits. Everyone take out a pen. Pass out the list of class names. Have every student stand up and say their name. Have each student write one good thing about this student. After everyone has completed the page, students must cut out the comment about that person and put it in a ziploc bag on their desk. The student now has a list of about 30 positive things about themselves.

D. Independent Practice-

For homework or the remainder of the class, have students write a reflection (length depends on the age of the students). Ask them to reflect on a time when they have been a victim of bullying or negative comments and then have them write about a time when they put another person down.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

The students may draw a picture depicting themselves as a bully and a victim if they choose. They must still write a few sentences explaining the picture in order to include literacy.

F. Checking for understanding-

Be sure to include positive feedback that the student was so open to completing the reflection and that they recognized that everyone plays a role in bullying.

G. Closure-

After the reflections are handed in, the teacher should have a class discussion about the purpose of the assignment. The purpose was to show everyone that everyone bullies and everyone is a victim.
7. Evaluation-
Evaluation will not take place, this is simply a thinking and reflecting exercise to see how student critically think and also inform the teacher of their ability to write.

This Lesson Plan is available at (