Grade: 6th
Subject: writing
Key Elements of a Good Narrative
Simile- comparison of two unlike elements to make writing interesting and attention grabbing

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1.Students generate a list of good elements for narrative stories
2. Students are able to recognize these elements in their own writing
Teacher Objectives-
1.Students will generate a list of good writing features
2.students will identify those elements in their own writing
computer, overhead,clipboards, post it notes, writing notebooks, pens/pencils
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.Vocabulary 7 steps-Narrative

2. Lesson Progression-

1.students generate a list of good story elements- they must describe story but not include details from the story
2. Teacher models two examples- situation feels real, good description you really see his life

3. Guided Practice-

1.Students work in a group to identify good story elements- 10 min


4. Student Practice-

1.Students look over their past writing to find these elements in their own writing

5. Learner Accommodations-

1.Teachers/ paras will work with specific students that need help

6. Assessment-

1.Teachers will walk around and spot check each group
2.Teacher will check student work in class and after

7. Lesson Closure-

1.we now have a complete list of good story elements to work towards
Measuring Student Progress- evaluate classwork
2.evaluate homework

This Lesson Plan is available at (