Grade: 8
Subject: Language Arts
Tone/Mood/Inference in the Tell Tale Heart

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1.Identify tone and mood in the story
2.Analyze tone and mood in the story
3.Make inferences about the author and the affects of his childood upon his writing
4. Identify elements of plot in the story
Teacher Objectives-
1.Analyze tone and mood by creating a graphic organizer
2.Recreate the elements of plot of literature through audio/visual representation
3.Write a persuasive piece
3. Theme music
4. Tone and mood worksheet
5. Sticky notes
6. Audio/video worksheet
7. Drama tone worksheet
8. Projector
9. Interactive Reader
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.Anticipation Guide
2.Definition of tone/mood/inference

2. Lesson Progression-

1.Note of Poe's life
3.Video clips of Mary Poppins- original and scary

3. Guided Practice-

1.Drama-change the tone and mood of popular poems/speech/song/rhyme

4. Student Practice-

1.Analyze characteristics and the effects tone and mood have on The Tell Tale Heart through a graphic organizer
2. Create an EOP diagram in the reading notebook

5. Learner Accommodations-

1. Students may choose to work in paris, small groups, or solo
2.Students have choice of product

6. Assessment-

1. Questions/clarify
2. Sticky note

7. Lesson Closure-

1.Summarize definitions
2.Sticky notes on the door
Measuring Student Progress-
1. Test on The Tell Tale Heart
2.Use a different passage and analyze tone and mood

This Lesson Plan is available at (