10/26/10 Grade: 12
Kenyonc Subject: English 4 R
Introduction to Beowulf
Cornell Notes, Epic, Legendary Hero, Hyperbole,

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1. For students to have background knowledge development of Beowulf.
2. Students to understand what an epic is and give common elements of an epic.
3. Students to make reader response connections to picture of Grendel and discuss why he is fearsome.
Teacher Objectives-
1. Students to pass a 10 question quiz on Cornell notes they took for Intro to Beowulf.
2. Students to use dialectical journal why reading Beowulf.
3. Student to answer questions on study guide while reading Beowulf.
Dialectical Journal
Study Guide
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-


2. Lesson Progression-

1. Model how to use dialectical journal
2. Model how to use study guide
3. Go over answers and model reader's voice.

3. Guided Practice-

1. See students working in dialectical journal as we go through story.
2. Students answer and develop questions as we read about Beowulf.

4. Student Practice-

1. Work on Dialectical Journal entries
2. Work on study guide questions

5. Learner Accommodations-

1. Teams
2. Tactile for study guide
3. Visual with photo of Grendel
4. Time if needed to finish study guide at home

6. Assessment-

1. Can they pass the 10 question quiz?
2. Can they pass a quiz at the end of the day based on what they have read?

7. Lesson Closure-

1. Look at dialectical journal and make notes
2. Look at study guide and make sure we have the answers.
Measuring Student Progress-
1. Did they pass the comprehension test?
2. Can they create a PowerPoint based on a hero in their life?
3. Can they write an epic?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)