Grade: 11
Subject: English
The Crucible - Act I
Salem witch hunts/

Crucible, Overture, Theocracy, Lucifer, Trafficked, Conjure, Providence, Demonic, Vindictive, Corroborating, Hypocrite, Hysteria, Defamation, Prodigious

Expected Outcome Of This Lesson Plan-
1. MO CLE English III Reading 1G:During reading, utilize strategies to a.determine meaning of unknown words
b.self-monitor comprehension
c.question the text d.infer
e.visualize f. paraphrase
2. MO CLE English III Reading 1I:Compare, contrast, analyze and evaluate connections:
a. text to text (information and relationships in various fiction and non-fiction works)
*b. text to self (text ideas and own experiences)
*c. text to world (text ideas and the world by analyzing and evaluating the relationship between literature and its historical period and culture)
3. MO CLE English III Reading 2C: Use details from text(s) to a. demonstrate comprehension skills previously introduced
b. analyze character, plot, setting, point of view
c. analyze the development of a theme across genres
d. evaluate the effect of tone on the overall meaning of work
Teacher Objectives-
1.Understand the culture of Salem society during the witch trials.
2.Analyze the motivations of the characters in the play. 3.Draw parallels between Salem society and our modern day society.
4.Understand and use new words central to the context of the play.
5.Read and interpret the play.
Text book, The crucible film, Computer/Smart Board, Vocab worksheet
Teaching Methods-

1. Lesson Introduction-

1.Daily Writing questions
2.Short Crucible film (aprox 45 mins)
3.Vocab introduction

2. Lesson Progression-

1.Background information about Salem
2.Introduce Character journal(extended project through course of the unit)
3.Discuss the concept of justice and compare modern American justice to Salem justice

3. Guided Practice-

1.Read play out loud (students volunteer to read parts, stand in front of class to do a staged reading.)
2.Anticipation Guide
3.Daily Writing/Share entry out loud
4.Character group meetings (students that share the same character gather to share thoughts and journal entries.)

4. Student Practice-

1. Character sketch journal (selecting one character and writing in a journal as that character would. Recording their thoughts during the course of the play.)
2.Vocab practice sheets
3.Cause and effect worksheet

5. Learner Accommodations-


6. Assessment-

1.Short answer quiz after each Act
2.Daily writing journals checked
3.Character Journals checked and displayed (students will construct an authentic journal with all their entries along with drawings or other artifacts that pertain to their character. These journals will be displayed at the end of the unit.)

7. Lesson Closure-

1.Character development discussion
2.Relevance to today's society
Measuring Student Progress-
1. Summary homework/review sheet

This Lesson Plan is available at (