1. Topic-
Does advertising affect the what people buy and how they think?
2. Content-
Advertising, Appeal, Consumer, Convince, Impact, Manipulate, Persuasive, Profit

This lesson will provide the necessary vocabulary and background in argument/evidence and advertising necessary for students to read excerpts of"Ad Power" by Shari Gordon which is about how advertisers market ads toward the teenage demographic across a variety of mediums.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Understand an argument should be supported with evidence.
2.Sort vocabulary words into groups.
3.Debate two opposing views using background knowledge.
4. Use reading strategy of synthesizing information.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will find connections in key vocabulary such as convince, manipulate, and persuasive.
2.Students will work with a partner to support one point of view while another pair supports an opposing view.
3.Complete Pre-Reading activity to prepare for reading a persuasive text, Ad Power, by Shari Gordon.
4. Create a conclusion chart to master the skill of synthesizing while reading.
5. Materials and Aids-
Hampton Brown Edge Series
Vocabulary Notebooks
Argument and Evidence Worksheet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Students will work in partners to support one of two quotations
"Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need" -Will Rogers
"Advertising says to people, 'Here is what we've got. Here's what it will do for you. Here's how you get it"
-Leo Burnett
2. This will lead to a conversation on advertising and how advertisements are used to sway a person's buying patterns.

B. Development-

1. After reading through vocabulary words and providing examples and sentences, students will record key vocabulary words with examples into vocabulary notebooks. They will then sort the words into categories some will then present their sorts to the class: Advertising, Appeal, Consumer, Convince, Impact, Manipulate, Persuasive, Profit. Student can then write their own sentence or use the word orally in a sentence.
2. As a class we will then discuss argument and evidence. What makes an argument convincing? What makes someone "win" an argument? How can you improve your chances of winning? We will then connect this to writing.
"An argument gives a writer's point of view about an issue or a problem. The writer states his or her idea and then supports it with evidence, such as facts, data and quotations. The more reliable the evidence is, the more you'll be willing to agree with the writer's argument"
3. We will then read the following passage aloud "People in Ghana, a country in West Africa, have a saying: To the fish, the water is invisible. In other words, when you're surrounded by something all the time, you don't notice it...
In parts of the world where people have a lot of modern conveniences and up=to-date technology, you could say that advertising has become "the water in which we swim." There's so much of it that we hardly notice it anymore. In fact, some experts estimate that a young person growing up in North America is likely to see between 20,000 and 40,000 TV commercials every year...it's easy to see how you'd begin to stop noticing and keep swimming"
We will discuss what arguments does the author make in these paragraphs? Are they convincing? How does the author support these arguments? Are facts used? Are statistics used?

C. Practice-

1. After discussing the paragraphs as a class we will create a conclusions chart. Students will each create their own. The conclusion chart has the following sections: Writer's claim, Evidence, My Experience, My Conclusion.
Writer's Claim: There are so many ads we don't even notice them.
Evidence: You can see 40,000 commercials a year.
My Experience: There are even ads in our school and on my music stations when I'm on my phone.
My Conclusion: I agree with the author. I don't notice them.
2. We will go back over what it means to synthesize information.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will read other short paragraphs and create conclusion charts to focus their reading and comprehension.
2.Students will use key vocabulary words in their conclusion charts.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Pronounce vocabulary. Write it in syllables. Say one syllable at a time. Ask for potential cognates. Ask for similar forms consume/consumption.
2. Provide conclusion chart as a graphic organizer to guide reading comprehension.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Create oral or written sentences using key vocabulary.
2. Review conclusion charts that were made by students.

G. Closure-

1. Have students look at picture of Times Square in NYC lit up with advertisements and write a few sentences about what stands out to them the most. Which products they have seen before and how they feel looking at the image. For struggling learners I would ask more specific questions. Are the signs in bright colors or black and white? Are there ads for food, or technology? If so what brands.
7. Evaluation-
1. This lesson provides a background of how to approach the next reading excerpt on brand advertising in North American culture.
2. Students will use their key vocabulary and synthesizing skills to discuss the effectiveness of advertisements.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)