1. Topic-
Awareness of Diversity Compare and Contrast Cultures.
2. Content-
Esol students will apply their knowledge of their own country related to the social, economy, and government to compare and contrast it with a a classmate's country.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will select one of a classmate country.
2. Students will research online the system of government, economic system and native language of the country chosen.
3. Students will ask the classmate about the country he/she is working on.
4.the student will understand more about diversity.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will use the internet to research the information needed to do the comparison and contrast of the classmate's country.
2. Students get first hand information from the classmate.
3. Students will present information related to the country they researched using oral and visual media (Power Point or tri-fold)
5. Materials and Aids-
Computer or Ipad, dictionary
markers, scissors.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. You are going to work with a
partner to enhance the understanding of cultural similitudes and differences around the world. They have to think about both countries and and focus on the relevant aspect such as; the countries' geography, economy, government, language and culture.
2.You will make a presentation to the class using visual and auditory media or a tri-fold display.

B. Development-

1. I guide students how to find sites on the internet that are needed for the project.
2. I show them the different types of presentation.
3. I provide accommodations for them since they have language barrier in all 4 skills.


C. Practice-

1.Assist students in finding the sites they need for the project.
2.Assist students with vocabulary and translation.
3.Assist the students with the use of media.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Internet research.
2. Note taking
3. Use the media center.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. ESOL students have language barriers so speaking, reading, writing and spelling software will be used to assist students.
2. Students can use dictionaries.
3. Students will have extended time to complete the project.
4. The oral presentation will be share equally between both students.
5. Peer Assistance.
6. Highlight key concepts.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Daily work assesstment for understanding


G. Closure-

1. Class presentation at the end of the project with classmate feedback
7. Evaluation-
1. Final project
2.Notes, research paperwork.
3. Oral presentation.
8. Teacher Reflection-
This project will make students to be aware of different styles of government, society and economy around the world. It will allow them to compare their own country with their classmates' while they. They will learn new vocabulary, improve their reading, writing and speaking skills.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)