1. Topic-
Exploring Academic Language within Informational Text about Crows
2. Content-
Subject Matter: Research Findings on Crow Behavior and Ability to Recognize Human Faces

Target Academic Vocabulary: reaction, theory, researcher, identification, evidence, individual, responsive, potential, previously.

Common Core Standards (Gr. 5):
SL.5.2 and SL.5.3 / Comprehension and Collaboration: summarize a written text read aloud or presented in diverse media and formats; and summarize the points a speaker/writer makes and explain how each point is supported by reasons and evidence.

SL.5.4 and SL.5.4 / Presentation of Knowledge: Report on a text, sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant details to support main ideas of themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace; include multimedia components and visual displays in presentation to enhance the development of main ideas and themes.

L.5.6 / Language Standards: acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal logical relationships.

WIDA Features of Academic Language for ELLs
1. Discourse Level / Linguistic Complexity: proficiency in oral summarizing skills is demonstrated in the quantity of speech, variety of sentence structures, and logical organization and flow of ideas

2. Sentence Level / Language Forms and Conventions: accuracy is demonstrated through use of correct word forms of target vocabulary

3. Word and Phrase Level/ Vocabulary Usage: proficiency is demonstrated by specificity of word choice, use of targeted academic language rather than general vocabulary to express ideas
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of target vocabulary and an ability to change word forms to use vocabulary in different contexts.

2. Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of text by summarizing main ideas and important details of informational text.

3. Students will demonstrate basic skills in using a technology-based digital storytelling application to create their summaries.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will use at least 5 of the 9 target vocabulary accurately in their digital story summaries, either in form originally learned or alternate word forms practiced during the unit.

2. Students will work with a partner to create 6 to 10 paper slides which show the main ideas and important details of the informational text read. They will use simple transitional words and expressions to connect ideas between slides in a summary presentation.

3. Student groups will create short paper slide videos, up to 3-minutes in length, practice multiple times before recording, then use digital camera for "live" recording.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. informational text about crows
2. computer to show youtube video of NPR report on which informational text was based
3. academic language packet with activities to accompany article
4. white paper, sharpies, etc.
5. FlipCam for Paper Slide Video recording
6. computer for uploading to iMovie
7. student dictionaries
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Journal FreeWrite - Something I Know about Crows; followed by whole-class generated bubble map to show what we know.

2. Group reading of "Face in the Crow'd" article, with brief discussion of big ideas.

3. Class viewing of NPR Youtube video about the crow research upon which the informational text was based.

B. Development-

1. Presentation of Target Vocabulary: students signal if "never heard it," "heard it," or "heard it and think I can explain it"
Students try to explain the words that they think they might know.

2. Generation of Student-Friendly class definitions: students quickly write down simple definitions of any target vocabulary they know / might know. Can go back to article to get some ideas. Share "definitions" with the class, and whole group generates "student-friendly" definitions of target vocabulary. May need to use dictionary as a resource for some words.


C. Practice-

1. Sketch the Word: Students are given several target vocabulary words and then sketch word / write a sentence using the word, then share the visual with the class

2. Reader Reaction: In small groups, students collaborate to answer comprehension questions that contain the target vocabulary and require deeper understanding of the informational text.

3. Word Form Workout-Morphology: Class discuss prefix - base -suffix as way to manipulate and creatively use words. Small groups work with target vocabulary in Word Form chart to separate base word from prefixes / suffixes. Generate alternate forms of words.

4. Find the Misfits: Students read a supplemental article related to the crow research theme that contains target vocabulary in INCORRECT word form. They must find the misfit, highlight, and correct for appropriate form.

D. Independent Practice-

Students collaborate with a partner to develop a Paper Slide Video that summarizes original article and includes use of at least 5 of 9 target vocabulary.

1. Whole class will review the assignment requirements, reread to original article, and rewatch the short NPR youtube video to get a reminder of big ideas in the article.

2. Students will work with a partner to develop a storyboard with key visuals and text for paper slide video presentation.

3. Students will review their presentation with teacher, who will check for ideas and use of target vocabulary.

4. Students will practice at least 3 times before recording, one time with or without mistakes.

5. Teacher/students will upload flipcam video to iMovies on class computers.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. All students in group are in the Level 3-4 ELL proficiency level, so expectations for fluency and accuracy will be about the same for each student. Differentiation for certain students may include a word form chart with some of the target words written out in different word forms, and a word bank for transitional words/ phrases to be used in presentation.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. A simple rubric will be used by teacher to assess understanding: summarizing main idea and 3 key details; appropriate use of at least 5 target vocabulary; use of transitional expressions, and basic skills with the technology.

2. Student Feedback: After class viewing of paper slide videos, students will fill out quick feedback forms regarding what they and others did well / what could be improved.

G. Closure-

1. Discussion with class about the digital storytelling tool used and partner work; what they learned, what worked well; how they would use it differently next time.

2. Whole class read-aloud of fiction picture book about crows, Crow Call, by Lois Lowry.
7. Evaluation-
1. Teacher will use rubric to assess individual student work and compare to early fall video recording sample and writing samples to note areas of progress and challenge.
8. Teacher Reflection-
To be completed after lesson. I will start my reflection on this effectiveness of this project with student discussion and feedback. I will also think about the process of the work as students collaborated on the digital project, the quality of the final product, the motivation of students to do this project, and the amount/quality of language generated during the course of the lessons. I will compare this to the previous "final project" I have used for a similar lesson series to determine if the rewards in terms of improved process, motivation, and product are same/better than previous projects.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)