1. Topic-
Introductions using am, is and are
2. Content-
Language Skills: Introduction
Verbs: am, is and are
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Appropriate introductions in social situations
2.Correct verbal and written usage of the verbs am, is and are
4. Objectives-
1. Students will engage in vebal introductions with other students.
2. Students will utilize the verbs am, is and are correctly during introductions.
3. Students will correctly write 3 introductions using the verbs am, is and are.
5. Materials and Aids-
situation note cards, Hampton-Brown’s High Point: Success in Language, Literature and Content student book, notebook paper, plain paper, crayons, Internet introduction video
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Have 2 student volunteers come up to the front.
2. Ask each volunteer introduce themselves to the other (explain or demonstrate introduction for students if unclear)
3. Write each student introduction on the board as they say it.
4. Have students suggest why introductions happen (to meet new people, etc.)

B. Development-

1. Begin with 3 sentences on board; underline verbs. (ex. My name is Mrs. Johnston., My name are Mrs. Johnston. My name am Mrs. Johnston)
2. Have one student volunteer come up.
3. Teacher introduces with the correct sentence; ask volunteer to pick out correct written sentence.
4. If volunteer picks incorrectly, have them try again until correct. Say each sentence as the student chooses.
5. Show students other sentences (I am a teacher, I was a teacher, I is a teacher); volunteers find correct tense; explain tenses and how to use; look at examples in book and practice saying sentences.

C. Practice-

1. Place students into groups of 3 or 4.
2. Provide each student with a situation card (card contains name and job)
3. Each student says their name and job (help students to pronounce)
4. Allow 2 - 3 minutes for students to introduce their character and say their job title. Encourage students, if finishing early, to see if they can go further and ask a question of each person.
5. Monitor students during activity and correct if needed.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Begin by allowing students to draw who they are on their note card. Tell them to include some details that would go with their job (i.e. doctor, Band-Aid or hospital)
2.Have students share this picture with a partner quickly.
3. Finally, have students independently write 3 sentences about their picture, beginning with what that person would introduce themselves as and continuing with other details about their job.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. For group work, heterogeneously group lower and higher proficiency students to allow for peer correction of verbal sentences.
2. Have one teacher group with beginner L2s.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. During group practice, monitor informally and help to correct misunderstandings in tense.
2. Students bring sentences to teacher as they finish, teacher provides feedback immediately to adjust sentences.

G. Closure-

1. Have all students come together and individually introduce themselves and include one other thing about them (ex. My name is Mrs. Johnston and I am your teacher).
2. Have students think of one person they can practice this with for homework.
7. Evaluation-
1. Group and individual monitoring for correct verb usage; monitor verbal usage of verbs.
2. Sentence structures for writing are correct (2/3); go back individually with students who score lower.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)