1. Topic-
The Setting
2. Content-
Academic Vocabulary: Prediction, Setting, Context Clues
Story Vocabulary: Clutching Dipping, Gasped, Imagine, Neglect, Observe, Recall, Scattered, Soaring, Curb, Emporium, Lampposts, Ledges, Stoop
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. SWBAT use clues in the story to help them understand new vocabulary
2. SWBAT identify setting and it's impact on the story
3. SWBAT ask questions of a story and make predictions about what will happen next in a story
4. Objectives-
1. ELA.9.1B
analyze textual context (within a
sentence and in larger sections of text).
2. ELA.RC.9A
reflect on understanding to monitor
comprehension (e.g., asking questions,
summarizing and synthesizing, making
connections, creating sensory images).
3. ESOL.10.30D
use prereading supports such as graphic
organizers, illustrations, and pre-taught
topic-related vocabulary and other
prereading activities to enhance
comprehension of written text.
4. ESOL.10.30L
read authentic literature and use
kinesthetic visual support to develop
vocabulary, structures, and build
background knowledge needed to
comprehend increasingly-challenging
5. Materials and Aids-
Context Clues Graphic Organizer, SmartBoard, "Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street" by Roni Schotter
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Warm Up Activity: Students will write to describe their own neighborhoods. My newcomers will be able to draw their neighborhoods.
2. Students will share with their classmates how their neighborhoods are similar or different to their neighborhoods in their native countries.

B. Development-

1. Lesson: Setting
Notes - The setting of the story is where and when a story is taking place.
The setting plays an important role in the story. Tell the students to consider how their life is different in the United States to what it was like in their native countries.

C. Practice-

1. Read/Think Alound of "Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street"
2. While doing the Think Alouds for the book, I will model making predictions and students will practice making their own predictions about the story.
3. While reading the students are completing their own context clue graphic organizer for unknown words. My technology manager will be recording the same graphic organizer on the SmartBoard for a visual aid.
4. Discuss the book's ending and how it relates to predictions students made

D. Independent Practice-

4 Centers for students to interact with what they've just learned
1. Verb Challenge: Students will choose 3-4 of the verbs studied, they will prepare a short written response practicing using the words and with a partner act out what it means, while the partner tries to guess which word they chose.
2. Making Predictions: Students will practice using information from a text to make predictions. Students may either draw what will happen next or write a description.
3. Pen Pal: Students will imagine they live in Eva's neighborhood and describe it to their pen pal in a letter. Newcomers have the option of drawing Eva's neighborhood and labeling their picture.
4: Independent Reading: Students will use their independent reading book to practice using context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words, make predictions about what will happen next, and describe the setting. They will record their answers in their observations in their reading journals.

E. Checking for understanding-

1. Teacher rotates around the room and monitors students work, conferencing with students experiencing difficulty. For students who are drawing, Teacher discusses drawing to ensure student understanding.

F. Closure-

1. Wrap up: Discuss what we learned today, students share work

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)