Subject: Effective Diets for Average People
1. Topic-
Complex Carbohydrates
Healthy Fat intake
Optimal protein intake
2. Content-
Complex carbohydrates help sustain energy and have many vital nutrients and minerals. Healthy fats like polyunsaturated have many benefits that aide in runners. Protein should be at the recommended amount for the physical activity to prevent over consumption and not enough to create deficiencies or increase body fat, and future kidney and liver problems.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Runners to receive proper knowledge on eating a high carbohydrate diet along with being educated on protein and fat intake.
4. Objectives-
1.TSWBAT examine food labels and read if it's a complex carbohydrate 3 out of 5 times
2. TSWBAT calculate how much protein intake they need given their body size and amount of exercise they exert running 3 out of 5 times.
3. TSWBAT modify their carbohydrate intake based on how much exercise they will be running that day 4 out of 5 times
5. Materials and Aids-
Handouts (Brochures)
Grocery Store
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.What are Complex Carbohydrates
2.What are healthy fats
3.How much protein is enough

B. Development-

1.Showing food labels that are in the grocery store that have ingredients that read whole grains, and fiber content
2.Show healthy fats by explaining what is a healthy fat and showing information on saturated fats and unsaturated fats on labels.
3. Give them a calculation to find out how much protein they should be having in a day and showing them how much protein is in some products that they are consuming

C. Practice-

1. Give them food products and have them find if its a complex carbohydrate or if it is not (using bread with enriched flour)
2.Give them a hand out that lists all healthy fats and ask them if it is a healthy fat or not

D. Independent Practice-

1. Give them a worksheet that they can either answer if it is a complex carbohydrate or not.
2. Have them pick out healthy fats
3. Have them figure out how much protein in grams they need in a day

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Grocery Store
2. Food products

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Worksheets for the complex carbohydrate
2. Having them pick out healthy fats
3. Calculating protein intake correct

G. Closure-

1.Provide them with a handout with everything that was discussed that day
2.Provide them with a complex carbohydrate product, and a healthy fat.
7. Evaluation-
1. The worksheets that were given during the lessons
2.How accurate they were with calculating their protein intake and when they pull out healthy fats.

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