1. Topic-
General Healthy Eating Guidelines
2. Content-
Healthy eating tips from each food group; portion control; healthy choices when dining out; healthy meal and snack ideas; BMI and healthy weight ranges; Emotional eating; Effects of medications on weight and eating habits; exercise
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Patients will choose healthier meal and snack options on psych.

2. Patients will maintain or gradually lose weight, if needed, on

3. Patients will set 3 goals for healthier eating habits.
4. Objectives-
1. Patients will be able to identify healthy food choices and portion
sizes from each food group. Patients will know how to choose
healthy meal options when dining out and when choosing meals and
snacks at home.
2. Patients will be able to identify hunger cues vs emotional eating
and develop tools to avoid emotional eating.
3. Patients will be able to identify a healthy weight range and BMI.
4. Patients will know the recommendations on exercise.
5. Materials and Aids-
PowerPoint, hand-out for PowerPoint, pre and post quiz, food models.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Review goals
2. Review objectives
3. Review material used for class

B. Development-

1. PowerPoint
2. Portion distortion website
3. Food models for portion sizes
4. Mypyramid website

C. Practice-

1. Discuss meal options on menu
2. Discuss setting achievable goals

D. Independent Practice-

1. Help patients set goals; give examples
2. Share goals if desired

E. Checking for understanding-

1. Provide Posttest


F. Closure-

1. Review objectives
2. Review goals.
7. Evaluation-
1. Pretest with 5 questions
2. Posttest with 5 questions
8. Teacher Reflection-
Review Posttest questions/answers after quiz turned in. Provide evaluation for patients to fill out.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)