Subject: HIV Infections and AIDS
1. Topic-
This lesson plan is designed for middle school biology or life science classes and introduces
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and (acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS) as a public health problem, including its modes of transmission, treatment, and
2. Content-
Immune system
Initial infection
Invasive cervical cancer
Kaposi's sarcoma
False negative
False positive
Asymptomatic phase
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.differentiate between viruses and bacteria.

2.distinguish between HIV infection and AIDS.

3.explain how HIV is and is not transmitted
4. Objectives-
1.explain how HIV infection and AIDS can be detected, treated, and prevented.
5. Materials and Aids-
2. Internet access
3. Microsoft PowerPoint software
4. Whiteboard, chalkboard, or smartboard
5. PowerPoint presentation
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

This introductory lesson
focuses on the basic facts about HIV infection and AIDS

B. Development-


C. Practice-

Myth versus Fact Statements

1. There is a cure for AIDS. Myth
2. You can get HIV from toilet seats. Myth
3. Mothers infected with HIV can transmit the virus to their babies at birth or by
breastfeeding. Fact
4. Only certain types or races of people get AIDS. Myth
5. You can get HIV by holding hands with someone with HIV infection. Myth
6. Medications are available for persons who have HIV infection. Fact
7. You can get HIV from sharing a drink with someone with HIV infection. Myth
8. You can tell if someone has HIV or AIDS by looking at them. Myth
9. You can get HIV in a swimming pool. Myth
10. Persons with AIDS often die from infections that would not kill persons without AIDS.

D. Independent Practice-

1. There is _______________ cure for HIV/AIDS.

How does a person find out if they have HIV?
1.You cannot tell by ____________________ at a person.
2.You must go to the doctor and get an ________________ ________________.

How can a person avoid getting HIV?
1.Pregnant women should be _________________ for HIV.
2.Avoid contact with sexual ___________________ _____________________.
3.Avoid contact with _________________

E. Checking for understanding-

1.l describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ

2. provide advanced students with different scenarios and allow students to act out their
response to each situation, then summarize what they have learned from the experience.
7. Evaluation-
Comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease
prevention to enhance health.
8. Teacher Reflection-
A group project involving 5 students each to design a power point about HIV infection.

This Lesson Plan is available at (