1. Topic-
The Importance of Hand Washing
2. Content-
Germs are everywhere. Germs are so small that you cannot see them. Germs can make you sick. Everyone has germs. You can get rid of germs by washing your hands. You can prevent sickness by washing hands. You can keep others from getting sick by washing hands.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Understand proper procedure to wash hands.
2. Understand that washing hands can prevent the spread of diseases.
3. Understand that everyone is responsible for preventing sickness.
4. Materials and Aids-
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Describe the types of germs (bacteria vs viruses)
2. Explain how germs cause sickness.
3. Explain that washing hands is the best prevention
4. Students will watch video on importance of handwashing.

B. Development-

1. How to wash your hands - Use warm, running water and soap. Rub hands together vigourously for 10-20 seconds. Be sure to pat attention to cuticles and underneathe the fingernails. Rinse thoroughly and dry hands.
2. When to wash hands - after using the restroom, playing with animals, shaking hands, handling money, sneezing, coughing, blowing nose, before eating, before preparing food.
3. Importance of hand washing is that bacteria and viruses can cause diseases that can be so serious death may result if not treated and germs can be spread in a number of ways.

C. Practice-

1. Set up a mock sink and have students go through each step of hand washing.
2. Students will first explain why they are washing their hands (Ex: preparing food)
3. Students will run warm water, use soap, lather for 20 seconds, clean cuticles and fingernails, back and front of hands, rinse properly, dry properly.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students will write down the steps of hand washing and teach a family member how to properly wash hands.
2. Students will have parents sign off that they have properly taught.
3. Students will complete handwashing worksheet.

E. Checking for understanding-

1. Students will take test on washing hands.
2. Students will perform handwashing techniques for the teacher as part of test.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)