1. Topic-
Health Careers and You
2. Content-
An in-depth exploration of health care careers and future career opportunities
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To provide resources for career paths
2. To present various health care careers and expose students to the variety available
4. Objectives-
1. To get students talking about what they want to do in the future
2. To have students set goals to reach in order to move them towards their career dreams
5. Materials and Aids-
Activity handouts, laptop, still slides from the Internet, projector screen for computer, anatomy model
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Name the career warm-up
2. Review the careers
3. Present the possibility of new, unheard of careers

B. Development-

Show the students the anatomy model and talk about one profession in particular, and show what they do to treat (sample disease/problem).

C. Practice-

1. Pass out handout on careers. Have students break up into groups
2. Students will make decisions about the career their group received. Have students analyze careers handouts together
3. Have each group present; analyze the results as a class

D. Independent Practice-

1. Explain about the website
2. Show them some various links and how to navigate it
3. Give them self-assessment handout
4. Have volunteers discuss any surprises they may have had with their careers, and what career it may be

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Give handout with matching the career to the picture
2. Have groups move around and consult each other to make the activity more physically active
3. Have students interview each other instead of self-assessment, to make it more mentally involving

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Have individuals discuss the career their group was assigned
2. Discuss education levels and what is needed to get a degree of a certain level
3. List out careers on the board and have the students match interests (art, analytical, research, etc.) to the career. Do a class vote and then discuss the results. Propose to them that each career can have a bit of everything in it.

G. Closure-

1. Handout online resource pages
2. Have them pull out "Career questions" from the grab bag. They need to go home and think about the answer to their thought-provoking question.
3. Hand out "personal goals for my future" handout.
7. Evaluation-
1. Call teacher and ask them how it all went
2. Talk to guidance counselor and teacher about follow-up visits
8. Teacher Reflection-
I felt that this class did very good because...

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)