Subject: General Affectivity
1. Topic-
"How do you feel?"
2. Content-
Distinction between bodily and psychic feelings. Understanding of causal nature of such feelings.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. The students will understand the difference between bodily feelings and psychic states.
2. The students will understand the causal nature of bodily feelings and general psychic states.
4. Objectives-
1. Each student will identify three bodily feelings.
2. Each student will identify three psychic states.
3. When presented with a list of bodily feelings and psychic states, each student will be able to categorize the list.
4. Each student will be able to list the bodily function causing a bodily feeling.
5. Each student will be able to list factors affecting psychic state.
5. Materials and Aids-
1. White-board/Chalkboard/Presentation Pad
1. "Jumbled up Feelings" handout.
2. "I feel x because y" handout.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Begin by asking the students how they feel. After they each have a chance to say how they feel, ask them why they feel that way. Give about five minutes for this introduction before explaining that there are different types of feelings, and that different things cause those feelings.

B. Development-

1. Ask the students to name some things they can feel and write them all down on a whiteboard.

C. Practice-

1. Pick out some that are related to the body and ask the students to draw pictures explaining what they mean when they say "I feel hungry" or "I feel tired," etc... Allow the students to share their pictures and explanations with each other.

2. Point out the general psychic feelings on the board ("I feel good," "I feel bad," "I feel silly") and ask the students to write some things that help them feel that way. "What makes you feel good?" "What puts you in a silly mood?" Put them in groups of two or three and have them write short skits or stories to show what happens to get in the mood of their choice. Have the students perform their skits or share their stories.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Pass out the "Jumbled Feelings" handout so that students can categorize feelings as either bodily or psychic.

2. Pass out the "I feel x because y" handout so students can recognize causal factors in these feelings.

E. Closure-

To close, explicitly discuss the difference between bodily feelings and general psychic states. Review the exercises the students have worked on, calling on two or three examples of the difference. Mention explicitly that these kinds of feelings are caused by things outside of the individual, and that there is nothing wrong with feeling happy, or silly, or hungry. Remind the students that sometimes, our bodies can speak to us through what we feel so that we know something is wrong, and that in the same way, our general mood can tell us that we need to change something in our environments.

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