Subject: Hypothermia Prevention
1. Topic-
Watch "Cold Water Boot Camp" DVD.

Total Lesson Time: 30 minutes.
2. Content-
1. Conditions:

a. Given:

(1) Cold Water Boot Camp DVD;
(2) Supervision; and
(3) Assistance as required.

b. Denied: N/A.

c. Environmental: Suitable classroom facilities to accommodate the entire group.

2. Standard: The cadet shall watch Cold Water Boot Camp DVD in order to gain knowledge and understanding of the dangers of cold (and deep) water and how to overcome the dangers.

3. Teaching Points:

Method: Small group activity and discussion

Time: 27 min

Teaching Point 1: Explain the purpose of Cold Water Boot Camp DVD, which is to assist Cadets' in developing an awareness for Cold water and the danger that is poses. Show the DVD and lead a discussion on the subject presented in the DVD.

4. Time:

a. Introduction / Conclusion: 3 min

b. Small group activity and discussion: 27 min

c. Total: 30 min
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Lesson Objective: Watch the DVD and the cadets' must be able to know how to handle themselves in a real situation.
4. Objectives-
1. Performance Objective: Watch “Cold Water Boot Camp” DVD.
5. Materials and Aids-
Training Aids:

a. Presentation aids (i.e. whiteboard / flipchart / OHP) appropriate for the classroom / training area;

b. Cold Water Boot Camp DVD; and

c. TV/VCR or DVD player.

Learning Aids: Cold Water Boot Camp DVD.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

WHAT: You will be watching the "Cold Water Boot Camp" DVD and applying your knowledge of the video on a quiz and group discussion at the end of the video.

WHEN / WHERE: You will use this information whenever you are suddenly submerged in water (i.e. the sailing weekend).

WHY: It is important to learn this so you don't panic when the time comes that you are suddenly submerged in water.

B. Development-

Teaching Point 1: Watch "Cold Water Boot Camp" DVD
Time: 27 min
Method: Small Group Activity and Discussion

- This activity will expose cadets to a video that teaches about the dangers of Cold water. The videos serve as discussion points to draw out further examples.

- Audio / visual equipment
- Cold Water Boot Camp DVD
- Flipchart or whiteboard
- Markers

1. Show the DVD.
2. Follow up the video with the hypothermia quiz and a group discussion.

- N/A

- Ensure the cadets are paying attention to the videos
- Encourage participation from all cadets
- Record discussion answers on flipchart or whiteboard

C. Practice-

1. Hypothermia Quiz
2. Group Discussion

D. Checking for understanding-

1. Hypothermia Quiz
2. Group Discussion

E. Closure-

There are many scenarios that are unlikely to happen while out on the water. However, becoming aware of these scenarios and their dangers can develop awareness and alertness in the event that the scenario does happen and you will be able to react quickly and calmly to avoid a catastrophe.
7. Evaluation-
Watching DVD, answering Quiz questions, and taking part in the group discussion will act as the evaluation for this lesson.
8. Teacher Reflection-

What went well during the lesson?

What in the lesson could be improved?


What went well during the lesson?

What in the lesson could be improved?


What went well during the lesson?

What in the lesson could be improved?


This Lesson Plan is available at (