1. Topic-
Morning meeting/greeting, calendar, weather, school bus
2. Content-
.follow oral instructions and directions
.respond to familiar language
.increase attention span
.increase listening skills
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.During morning meeting students will review calendar

2.Will extend ABB pattern
3.Will rote count date today
4.Some will verbalize-others communicate with iPad
4. Objectives-
1.Students will practice prior learned skill of singing to each student
2.Student will respond to familiar questions using verbal and/or iPad
3.Practice turn taking
4. Increase attention span
5. Materials and Aids-
Large visual calendar,pics, glue stick,magnetic board, laminated days of week, name cards,carpet board,iPad, microphone,pics, bus, car
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Students will take their seats arranged at circle
2.Teacher will ask student about bus picture,locker picture

B. Development-

1.teacher will review morning schedule using Polaroid pictures
2.Time for circle-sing our morning song

C. Practice-

1.Student called one by one-put name card up
2.Respond to "How are you today"-some verbal and follow up with iPad
3.Student called up to read out load ABB pattern using "microphone" . Student will count numbers on calendar using microphone. Another student makes sentence today is..reads it back with microphone. Makes weather sentence. Students use iPad to tell teacher about weather. Teacher asks how student came to school-bus or car. Reinforce bus with "Wheels on bus" song

D. Independent Practice-

1.Have student pose teacher's questions-pretend to be me
2.Student can overprint sentences in journal -Today is..

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.Visual -each name card different color
2.Auditory-emphasize correct sound of word
3.Kinesthic-allow movement from students chair to chart
4.Microphone to increase confidence-incentive
5. iPad use for communication

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Allow students to correct others' mistakes
2.Oral responses from individual students during lesson
3. Direct observation of students during lesson

G. Closure-

1.Clear "wheels on the bus" pics from carpet board
2.Circle time is finished-take off polaroid picture
3. Time for work-show pic

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)