Subject: Knee Brace Application
1. Topic-
Patient "X" needs to safely wear "Y" knee brace
2. Content-
Knee brace
Skin inspection
Knee Cap
Positive/Negative Wear effects
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Caregiver will explain purpose for knee brace, including positive/negative wear effects
2. Caregiver will apply brace
3. Caregiver will establish time of day for wear, based on wear time recommendations
4. Objectives-
1. The caregiver will be able to explain the purpose of the brace for this patient, including describing positive and negative wear effects of the brace, with 100% accuracy 1 week after completion of in-service.
2. The caregiver will apply the brace, using marked cues on the brace for fit accuracy, correctly 100% of the time.
3. The caregiver will participate in deciding the time of day for the wear hours, according to daily schedule, that will meet the patients wear time need as well as improve productivity and work flow for the caregiver 7 days per week.
5. Materials and Aids-
Written instructions (step by step)
Hourly wear schedule grid
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Lecture focusing on need for brace, positive outcomes, adverse outcomes
2. Demonstration of brace application
3. Demonstration of brace removal and skin inspection

B. Development-

1. Review of need, positive outcomes, adverse outcomes with leading questions for CNA to answer
2. "Hand over hand" application of brace, using step by step written instructions
3. "Hand over hand" removal with discussion led by CNA of skin inspection using step by step written instructions

C. Practice-

1. CNA to explain need for brace and state positive outcomes, adverse outcomes.
2. CNA to apply brace with supervision
3. CNA to remove brace with supervision and perform skin inspection
4. CNA to assist in developing wear schedule based on recommended wear times

D. Independent Practice-

1. CNA to explain need for brace and state positive outcomes and adverse outcomes to another CNA caring for this patient.
2. CNA to independently apply brace with therapist randomly checking during wear time for appropriate application.
3. CNA to independently remove brace at time planned per schedule, performing skin inspection appropriately with therapist randomly checking wear times and skin for compliance.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Written materials will use numbered steps for application that match numbers on brace straps
2. Written materials will be modified using verbiage as stated by CNA for understanding

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Random inspection of patient during brace wear time to be performed by therapist.

G. Closure-

1. Transition care to CNA/RNP program for tracking and monitoring.
7. Evaluation-
1. No adverse skin/joint reactions in 6 months related to bracing.
2. ROM will be maintained or improve in 6 month period as result of consistent brace wear times.

This Lesson Plan is available at (