1. Topic-
Personal Hygiene
2. Content-
Personal Hygiene Skills (i.e. showering, deodorant, hair washing,teeth brushing etc.) Vocab: Deodorant, hygiene, sanitiation
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To enable students to identify the daily and weekly activities of personal hygiene.
2.To enable students to explain why personal hygiene needs to be practiced (or consequences of not being practiced)
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to identify weekly and daily hygiene activities.
2.Students will identify what objects are needed for daily and weekly personal hygiene.
3. Students will identify what good hygiene looks like in senses terms (i.e. smell, sight, etc...).
4. Students will identify 3 reasons why good hygiene is important
5. Materials and Aids-
White board
Body Image worksheet
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Introduce myself
2.Introduce why I'm in the classroom (students going to high school,body changes create funky smells and good hygiene creates better self image.
3.Ask if anyone can define personal hygiene.

B. Development-

1.Explain personal hygiene
2.Talk about hand washing, daily personal hygiene actions and weekly personal actions.
3.Explain consequences and benefits of good personal hygiene.

C. Practice-

1.Chart on whiteboard

D. Independent Practice-

1.Body Image worksheet

E. Checking for understanding-

1.Review daily and weekly hygiene activities
2.Review worksheet to see if everyone understands the benefits/consequences of personal hygiene

F. Closure-

1.Thank students for letting me in there class!

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