1. Topic-
Proper Exercise and Eating Habits
2. Content-
Workouts, Foods to Eat and Frequency of each component
How to with specific workouts
Body part terminology
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Educate on proper workout and body mechanics
2. Educate on correct nutrition /timing
3. Get all students physically fit and mentally aware
4. Objectives-
1. Focus on training specific body parts to prevent growth and decrease injury
2. Evaluate Retention of nutritional foods
3. Practice in class techniques
5. Materials and Aids-
Standard text books-
Charts and worksheet handouts
Overhead projector for film
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Strength Training 101 (using weights and calisthenics
2.Stretching techniques
3. Frequency of workouts and meals

B. Development-

1.Bench pressing- chest work
2. Jumping Jacks- leg work, coordination and endurance
3. 125lbs. 4 sets X 6 reps with one rep max. to finish

C. Practice-

1.Monday- 45 to 60 minutes
2.Wednesday- 30 to 45 minutes 30 seconds rest between each rep
3.Friday- 25 mins. 2x2 spot

D. Independent Practice-

1. Bodyfat caliper testing
2. Sit and Reach testing
3. 1 Minute Step Test

Knowledge should be perfected

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Gymnasium
2. Workout mats
3. Exercise Equipment

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Quarterly tests
2. Chapter review (quiz)
3. Final Assessment - through the President's Physical Fitness Challenge

G. Closure-

1. Brief overall review/with feedback
2. Questions & Answers segment
7. Evaluation-
1. Chart from beginning to end- measuring grades and progress in multiple areas (ie: awards, trophies)
2. Report Cards
8. Teacher Reflection-
Notes to self:
Which workouts were effective, which teaching lessons need improvement, chapter sessions to be debriefed for ease of student for following year.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)