1. Topic-
Self Awareness: Personality and Learning Styles
2. Content-
"Ice Breaker" Game - relating to Learning styles
Learning Styles including visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.
Myers Briggs Personality Inventory
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Building cohesiveness within the group in a short time frame, getting participants in the zone for learning

understanding overall personality, preferences and strengths - which is always a mixture in each individual person.

Knowing your learning style will help you develop coping strategies to compensate for your weaknesses and capitalize on your strengths.

the Myers Briggs is used to help participants better understand their learning, communication, and social interaction styles. Myers Briggs also helps participants to assess prefered occupational field.

4. Goal of Myers Briggs is to gain insight into behaviour and assess management skills and facilitate team work and problem solving.
4. Objectives-
1. understand what different learning styles are
2. assess participants own learning styles
3. how to build on strengths and compenstate for weaknesses in prefered learning style
4. understanding what is personality type
5. Materials and Aids-

Myers Briggs
PLSI Paragon Learning Style Inventory
Insight Board Game
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. individual introduction - name, describe yourself in 3 words, one goal you would like to accomplish in your life time.
2.ice breaker game relating to learning styles
3. what are learning styles

B. Development-

1. story to explain how different people have different learning styles

C. Practice-

1. do VAK
2. play insight boardgame as a group
3. compare with online results doing the humanmetrics test.

D. Independent Practice-

1. homework task: strenghts and weaknesses

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. extended information on learning styles
2. additional information on personality type indicators

F. Checking for understanding-

1. what personality type is your partner/ friend
2. what is the learning style of your friend/ child..

G. Closure-

1. conclusion

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)