1. Topic-
Stress and Heart Disease
2. Content-
Heart Disease; stress; stressors; physical, mental, emotional, behavioral signs of stress; deep breathing; progressive muscle relaxation; guided imagery
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
Students will be able to recognize and reduce their stress level and, as a result, possible risk of developing a heart disease.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to recognize signs of stress

2. They will assess their stressors and heart disease risk factors

3. They will learn the techniques of coping with stress, relaxation techniques and ways to reduce stressors

4. The students will learn healthy eating habits
5. Materials and Aids-
Memory stick with PowerPoint slide show, instructor's handouts, bingo game
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Human heart: how it works.

2. Definition of a heart disease.

3. Why it is important to prevent heart disease.

B. Development-

1. Stress is one of the causes of heart disease.

2. Warning signs of stress: physical, mental, emotional, behavioral.

3. Causes of stress ("stressors").

C. Practice-

1. Are you at risk?
Heart Attack Bingo

2. Discussion: What can you do to prevent heart disease?

3. Healthy foods

4. Group Relaxation techniques

D. Independent Practice-

Situation cards-group activity (if time permits)

E. Closure-

Emphasize the importance and relevance of information to students' daily lives:
The information we talked about today can change your life here, in a stressful environment and also when you leave this facility. I hope today you can recognize contributors to heart attack and things we have learned today will help you avoid it. We don't want Heart Attach Bingo be your game!

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)