1. Topic-
Substance Abuse Awareness-Saying NO
2. Content-
Acquires skills to live safely and reduce health risks
Understands abusive and risky situations
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Students will learn multiple ways in which they can say no to drugs.
2.Students will gain confidence in their ability to stay clean.
4. Objectives-
1.Students will learn ways to avoid dangerous situations by demonstrations they'll do in class.
2.Students will prepare what they may say to another student by practicing with a partner in class.
5. Materials and Aids-
Say No handout
Discussion questions handout
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Ask kids to name situations, places, in which they may have to make a decision to say no.
2.Give students chance to share examples of how they have said no in the past or how they may in the future.

Write all of these on the board. Use this as a brainstorming activity. Allowing the students to talk openly provides an opportunity for students to realize this is a safe environment for them to share in.(5-7 min)

B. Development-

1.Have students find a partner (1 min)
2.To each pair, give out the handout that lists ways to say No. Have them read it out loud together.(5 min)
3.Next, have them practice amongst themselves how they would say No in a particular situation.
Situation #1 A friend from school invites them to a party where there will be alcohol, and no adults.
Situation #2 An older student that you admire, invites you to his birthday party. While there, him and his friends offer you some weed.(10 min)

C. Practice-

1.Have the students in pairs, act out how they would respond.
2.Have each student practice being both the student saying No and also the student offering drugs.(10 min.)
3.Call on student volunteers to act out their situation in front of the class.(10 min)

D. Independent Practice-

1.Handout journals and have kids reflect on what they learned today about saying no.
2.Have them end their journal entry with two questions they want answered during this unit(7 min)

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1.For students who need assistance with writing, allow them to work with the assistant in the class during this time.
2.Allow students who do not finish their journal writing to take it home and finish it!

F. Checking for understanding-

1.When students are done with their journal writings, allow a few minutes for questions about today's lesson.
2.A couple questions to ask to the entire class to be sure they understood lesson.
*What is the first step in saying no?
*What are two things you can do ahead of time to be prepared if you need to say no to someone.

G. Closure-

1.Remind students that we will be doing more on this topic for the next month.

2.Tell the students if they have anything they want to ask in private, they are welcome to do so.
7. Evaluation-
1.I will use their journal writings as my primary way of grading this unit.
2.Participation throughout entire unit will be a part of the grade also.
8. Teacher Reflection-
How do I feel this lesson went? Was I able to cover all of the material I planned on covering today?

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)