1. Topic-
To lose weight
2. Content-
A role-play between teacher who acts like a dietitian and a nervous man who wants to lose weight
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.to present new grammar points in context.
Quantifiers(some, any, a lot of, little, a few)
Units(a bottle of, a cup of)

2.to develop students' both speaking and listening skills.
4. Objectives-
1.to give students a general idea what we are going to do.
2.to raise students' interest.
5. Materials and Aids-
Flashcards on which there are some sentences written including grammar points, some practicing papers and a diet list.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Teacher greets the students and tells they are not going to do a proper lesson firstly.
2.Teacher says they are going to act out a drama activity.
3.Teacher calls her friend and introduces him to class.

B. Development-

1.Teacher shortly explains what they are going to act out.
2.Teacher is going to play a doctor whose name is Dr. Smith and her friend is going to play patient whose name is Mr. Brown.

C. Practice-

1.Mr Brown comes to Dr. Smith's office and complains about his weight. He wants to lose weight. Dr. Smith prepares a list contains some food and drinks which Mr. Brown can eat or drink during the diet.
2.The list :
At breakfast, Mr. Brown can drink a bottle of milk or a cup of coffee without sugar.
At lunch, he can eat a few potatoes with a cup of yogurt.
At dinner, he can eat chicken and some salad.
Dr. Smith adds that Mr. Brown needs to drink 3 liters of water in a day and never eat bread a lot.
3.Mr Brown gets nervous and asks whether he can eat rice or not. Dr. Smith says he cannot eat any rice.
Mr. Brown says he wants to eat some rice.
DR Smith answers that he should follow his diet plan literally and come to his office a week later.
Mr. Brown leaves the office.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Teacher asks students some short answer questions.
-How can Mr. Brown lose weight? (Answer: To go on a diet)
-Can you tell me which words are foods in the diet?
(A: Butter, potato, chicken, rice, sugar)

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Teacher wants the students choose a partner for drama activity.
2.One student is going to play Mr. Brown who wants to lose weight and the other student is going to play Mr. Brown's wife Mrs Brown.
3.Teacher wants students use these new grammar points in their drama activity.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Teacher hands out a practicing paper.
2.Teacher tells the duration for this activity.
3.When time is up, teacher asks students the answers. They read the answers loudly.
4.If there is any wrong answer, teacher wants students to correct their wrong answers.

G. Closure-

1.Teacher ends the lesson by asking "what did we do today ? , What did we learn today?,What did you think about Mr. Brown's anger? Did you enjoy the class?"

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)