1. Topic-
Job Searching
2. Content-
This workshop will discuss resources and techniques for being the job search process. It is geared toward upperclassmen in college who are preparing to enter the job market. This session will provide students with a list of resources and websites to use in the search for new employment opportunities as well as introduce them to LinkedIn, the online professional networking site,providing them with a basic knowledge of how to best utilize these resources in order to conduct a job search.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.Teach students how to conduct a successful job search
2.Introduce them to LinkedIn and the benefits of using this website
3.Help students feel more confident in beginning the job search process
4. Provide students with job searching resources
4. Objectives-
1.Students will be able to utilize proper search techniques when using job searching resources.
2.Students will have created and be able to customize their own LinkedIn profile
3.Students will know how to conduct job searches using LinkedIn
4. Students will know how to access job searching resources such as library databases and online job boards
5. Students will be able to succinctly articulate their strengths, weaknesses,skills, and interests
6. Students will be able to interact with potential networking connections such as friends, coworkers, professors, etc. both now and in the future in order to create a network of relationships that can be useful in locating and applying for potential employment opportunities.
5. Materials and Aids-
Computer, projector, projector screen, whiteboard, paper, pencils, computers for student use
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Librarian and Career Center staff member will introduce the session and pass out worksheets and handouts listing resources for assisting students in the job search

B. Development-

1.Students will complete self-assessment activity listing their strengths/weaknesses, skills, interests, etc.
2.Librarian will introduce job searching resources and websites such as library databases and online job boards.
3. Instruction will be given on proper search techniques when using these resources (career specific terminology, synonyms, etc.)
4. Librarian will conduct sample job search based on job suggestions from students

C. Practice-

1.Students will conduct job search activity as outlined on handout utilizing job search resources and techniques that were demonstrated by the librarian
2. Librarian and Career Center staff member will assist students as needed.

D. Independent Practice-

1.Students will conduct their own job searches utilizing previously discusses resources and search techniques
2.Librarian and Career Center staff member will assist students as needed.

E. Checking for understanding-

1.Students will fill out informal survey before leaving workshop
2.Job search activity worksheets will be handed in and evaluated
3.Instructors will gauge student engagement and success based on interactions with students during workshop

F. Closure-

1.Career Center staff member will conclude the session by providing students with contact information for Career Center as well as other services they provide that students might find beneficial before or during the job search process
2.The librarian will provide students with contact information if students have any questions.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)