Grade: Kindergarten Subject: Science
1. Topic-
Air Is All Around Us
2. Content-
This lessons helps students discover that air is everywhere.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
The learner will make observations and build an understanding of the properties of common objects.
4. Objectives-
1.Observe and describe the properties of different kinds of objects and how they are used.
2.Describe how objects look, feel, smell, taste, and sound using their own senses.
5. Materials and Aids-
Book: Air is all Around
You by Franklyn N. Branley
1 7x10 plastic storage bag
5 Dishpan size tubs of water
20 Clear plastic cups
20 sheets of newspaper
Towels for clean up
1 Balloon
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Discussion about air. 5 minutes
Children will be seated in a group in front of the classroom.
2.Ask the following questions and have children raise their hands to give their answers out loud.
3.Where is air?
Is air outside? Is air inside? Is air in our room? Can you feel, smell, taste, touch, or see air?

B. Development-

1.Teacher blows air into balloon to show air fills up the balloon. 1 minute
2.Ask the students about the air in the balloon. Question: How do we know air is in the balloon? Answer: The balloon has expanded (gotten bigger) because air is taking up space in the balloon. 1-2 minutes
3.Read the book Air Is All Around You 10 minutes
4.Show students a plastic cup. Ask students, Do you think air is in the cup? Does air take up space? 1-2 minutes

C. Practice-

1.Children will go back to their desks. In groups of 4, children will do short experiment. 20 minutes
2.Fill dish tubs halfway full with water. Pass out dish tubs to each group.
3.Pass out plastic cups and sheets of newspaper. Have students ball up a sheet of newspaper and place inside the bottom of their plastic cups.
4. Have students take turns, and turn their cup upside down and push the cup to the bottom of the dish tub.
5.Pull cup straight up and pull out the newspaper.
6.Observe whether the newspaper is wet or dry. The paper should stay dry because of the air in the cup took up space and did not let water in.

D. Checking for understanding-

1.Teacher reviews students knowledge by asking about the experiment they conducted. 5 minutes

E. Closure-

Clean up, throw away cups, newspaper. Wipe up any spills.5 minutes
7. Evaluation-
1.Teacher asks the students the questions from the beginning of the lesson. 5 minutes
Where is air? Is air inside? Is air outside? Can you see, smell, taste, touch, feel air? Based on responses teacher should have an idea if students were able to comprehend the material presented. 5 minutes

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