Subject: Alphabet & Phonics Grade: Kindergarten
1. Topic-
Learning Letters & Phonics
2. Content-
Letter D
Identifying the alphabet, phonetic sound, and D at the beginning of words.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
-General Learner Expectation:
The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
-Specific Learner Outcomes:

Enhances legibility
- forms recognizable letters by holding a pen or pencil in an appropriate and comfortable manner

Expands knowledge of language
- explores and experiments with new words and terms associated with topics of interest

Enhances artistry
- experiments with sounds, colors, print and pictures to express ideas and feelings

Attends to Conventions
Attends to spelling
- hears and identifies dominant sounds in spoken words
- demonstrates curiosity about visual features of letters and words with personal significance
- connects letters with sounds in words
- prints own name, and draws pictures to illustrate words with personal significance
- capitalizes first letter of own name

Presents and Shares
Presents information
- shares ideas and information about own drawings and topics of personal interest

Enhances presentation
- uses drawings to illustrate ideas and information, and talks about them

Uses effective oral and visual communication
- speaks in a clear voice to share ideas and information

Demonstrates attentive listening and viewing
- follows one- or two-step instructions
- makes comments that relate to the topic being discussed
4. Objectives-
. Listens to story focused on letter and sound of letter being learnt
. Identifies names of students and environmental items that begin with the letter
.Interacts with class during SMARTboard Notebook presentation showing how letter is written, words starting with the letter, identifying sounds of the letter.
. write the letter in a writing booklet
. draw pictures that begin with the letter (teacher will label pictures as students share their drawings and ideas with teacher)
5. Materials and Aids-
Letter D(card story)
SMARTboard -Notebook PowerPoint on letter
Student Letter Writing Book
Student Drawing Letter Book
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Carpet - ask students identify the letter from the sound and what words start with that sound
2. Ask - Does anyone's name start with the letter?

B. Development-

1. Read story
2. Discuss story and words that begin with the letter
3.SMARTboard interactive carpet lesson
4. Movement Exercise and Song

C. Practice-

1.Model writing letter at board
2.Student Writing Book: students letter writing practice

D. Independent Practice-

1.Student Book: Students draw pictures of things that begin with the letter, present to teacher and teacher writes the word
2.Extra Practice: ICT -Starfall (computer time)
3. Students will begin consonant booklet

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Assist one-on-one Lydia, Ater, Akemi (ESL)
2.Have them work with buddy
3.Tape Alphabet sheets on their desk
4.Learning Styles addressed: visual, sound, interactive, computer (kinasthetic)

F. Checking for understanding-

1.Discuss story focus
2.Interactive whole class SMARTboard presentation
3.Letter writing
4.Drawing pictures that begin with the letter, share and label

G. Closure-

1. Whole-class discussion of sound and letter
2. What are some of the words that start with the letter that you drew?

Follow up:
Leapfrog Letter Factory
Consonant book
Select word for wordwall with letter focus.
7. Evaluation-
2.Individual Student printing and drawing book

Summative - Alphabet letter & sound identification (list in each Student's blue assessment folder)
8. Teacher Reflection-
Part of Integrated ELA Long Term plans.
Students should try to use the letter words in writing journals.

This Lesson Plan is available at (