1. Topic-
Nursery Rhymes
2. Content-
Through this Arts Ed lesson the students will be using bells to create the tunes to some popular Nursery Rhyme songs. Each bell will be a shape in lue of a musical note. On chart-board the song will be written out in shapes rather than musical notes, and the students will need to press the bell when I point to their shape.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To recognize a variety of shapes
2. To recognize familiar Nursery Rhyme tunes
3. To successfully be part of creating a musical piece
4. Objectives-
I will be checking for understanding throughout the lesson, and moving along accordingly.
5. Materials and Aids-
-> Bells
-> Label each bell with shapes
--> Prepair chart paper ahead of time with "sheet music"/shapes
--> large pointer
--> piano
--> Nursery Rhyme CD and CD player (optional)
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Start off by taking out the bells and showing them to the students Talk about how we have to be really careful with instruments because they can break easy. Pass one bell around and have the students get a feel for it. Allow them to press the bell.
2. Ask the students if they ever heard a song being played on bells before?
3. Explain to the students that in a moment they are going to learn how to play some Nursery Rhyme songs using bells.

B. Development-

1. Show the children the chart paper with all the different shapes on it.
2. Explain to them that each bell has a shape on it as well. The shape on the bell matches with the shape on the chart.

C. Practice-

1. Show the students the example chart with three shapes. Have three students volunteer to help out.
2. Once they successfully shown that they understand the concept, flip to "twinkle twinkle little star" and pass out for bells to the students. Have them follow along with the chart paper and pointer.
3. Continue this process with other students and other Nursery Rhyme songs.

D. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

Those who do not have bells will have an envelope. 2. I will be using my judgment to decide how many songs we will be doing. If they get too restless, we will do the others the next day.

E. Checking for understanding-

1. During the lesson I will have my IA check for understanding, by completing a check list of who successfully was able to complete the task
2. I will also be watching to see who holds up the correct pictures when I'm playing the piano, and making notes accordingly.

F. Closure-

1. As a closure I will play four songs on the piano and have the children guess which Nursery Rhyme it is.
2. I have an envelope for each child with four different pictures in it. When they recognize the song I'm playing the need to hold up the correct picture. For example: A start will represent "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)