Grade: Pre K Subject: Motor Development
1. Topic-
Physical/Motor Development.
2. Content-
Physical Development.
Motor Development.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Children will learn the importance of physical activity.
2. Children will participate, follow rules, take turns. Roll and catch ball and count. Incorporate gross motor skills.
3. Children will explore Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence.
4. Objectives-
1. develop kinesthetic pattern recall.
2. learn to interact with and communicate with others.
3.Respond through movement of music
5. Materials and Aids-
The telephone song (Author unknown)Play phone
Play Telephone
Cones Bob The Builder Music
Get Moving With Grover book
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Call "Circle time" world rug. (Everyone sit in their square (name)on the rug)
2. Today we are going to learn about physical motor development we have a lot of fun activities today so make sure we are using "eye's are watching, ears, are listening, body's calm."
3. Introduce physical growth, ask what the kids think growth is. Open up exploration discussion from students.

B. Development-

1. Growing through Healthy habits/ what happens when we are not making good choices (open for discussion)
2. How Healthy choices lead to mind body development (open for children to explore.)

C. Practice-

1. Telephone song with clapping phonics and slapping knees at woo woo demonstrate then have children join in
2. Story time "Get moving with Grover" imitate book illustrations.
3. Bob The Builder math and cardio game

D. Independent Practice-

1. add play vegetables and fruit to dramatic play area.
2. Introduce large handle paint brushes for fine motor in art
3. water/ sand sensory add toys to pull/push and allow for motor noises.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

If a student is unable to participate activities will be modified to suit specific student and gradually increase difficulty to accommodate individual.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Teacher will monitor students for good decision making and physical abilities.
2. Students will be able to explain in simple terms what they are doing and how/what muscles are moving/being used.

G. Closure-

1. circle time on rug discussion of all thing learned today. What each student thought was "the most fun" talk about fine gross motor skills (applied during choice time art holding a paint brush, dramatic play in kitchen cooking healthy foods, movement math game) and physical development.
2. Call students one by one to briefly express favorite learning place for day have child go put their name (already on sticky notes) on adapted self eval chart
7. Evaluation-
1. Students are expanding learning trying new centers and challenging what they already know through play and discussion.
2. Students are learning for one another.
8. Teacher Reflection-
Insert observations adapt units to what seems popular in lesson plan and keep reteaching using different lessons.

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