1. Topic-
Pond Life
2. Content-
Students will
1. Learn and understand the term Amphibian .
2. Discover the animals and plants the live there.
3. Materials and Aids-
1. Pizza Box
2. Deep Dish Baking
3. Dirt/ Sand
4. Plastic Grass
5. Plastic Bugs, Frogs, Fish, Snakes, Turtles, and plants.
4. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

Talk about different things you will see at a pond with the class. What does a pond look like? Explain the term "Amphibian " and talk about the many kinds of animals that live in there.

B. Development-

Continue discussing ponds until students demonstrate a clear understanding of the basic characteristics of these environments and can identify some animals that live in each habitat. Once students have a solid understanding, begin adding one portion of the pond environment into the pizza box.

C. Practice-

Allow students time to think what comes next in the pond. Write on board, the items they are naming. On the side of each item, write the classification, such as plant, fish, amphibian, reptile.

D. Independent Practice-

Once the project is complete, ask students to tell me something they learned about the pond.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Try showing pieces of plastic toys if unable to guess.
2. Replace dirt/ sand if it become too messy with rocks.
3. If the lesson is too easy, add the life cycle of a frog.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Continuous Suggestions

G. Closure-

1.What is an amphibian?
2. Describe how a pond looks like and what might you see?

Put pond environment in the sensory area, for students to look at and play with later.
5. Evaluation-
Three points: Students were highly engaged in class discussions; were able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the term "amphibian"
Two points: Students participated in class discussions; were able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the term "amphibian" and give mostly correct examples of different habitats;
One point: Students participated minimally in class discussions; were unable to demonstrate a basic understanding of the term "amphibian" and could not give examples of different habitats;

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)