1. Topic-
The 5 Senses
2. Content-
Introducing the 5 senses while making a mothers day card to show an example of each sense.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Students will be able to determine what each sense is.
2. Students will be able to understand what each sense does.
3. Student will create a mothers day 3-D picture.
4. Student will learn a song about the 5 senses.
4. Objectives-
1. Students will be able to determine what each sense is and does.
2. Students will learn how the senses work together.
3. Students will be able to point to each sense.
5. Materials and Aids-
Book "Your Senses", white card stock paper, cup cake liners, markers, candy sprinkles, cotton balls, perfume, glue, plastic spoons
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Have children sit at round tables.
2. Four children to a table
3. Explain to children that we will be learning about our 5 senses and creating a mother's day 3-D picture.
4. Explain that we will learn a short song to help them remember their 5 senses.

B. Development-

1. Discuss with students the materials on the tables. (and not to touch until I say so)
2. Read the book "YourSenses" aloud to students.
3. teach students song.

C. Practice-

1. Work as a group to make mothers day picture.
2. First explain the fact that we use the sense of sight to see all the materials on the table.
3. Second pick up a cup cake liner and bend it in and out to show the example of sense of hearing.
4. Next demonstrate how to glue the center of the cup cake liner about 3/4 way from bottom of card stock.
5. Next have each students pick up their plastic spoon and get some candy sprinkles from bowl in center of table.
6. Have student taste the sprinkles and explain to them this is an example of our tasting sense.
7. Demo to student how to put glue in center of (already glued) cup cake line and sprinkle the glued center with the candy.
8. Next have student pick up a few cotton balls.
9. Demo feeling cotton balls between fingers.
10. Explain to students that this is an example the sense touch.
11. Next teacher will go around to each table and spray a small squirt of very mild smelling perfume on their cotton balls.
12. Explain to students this is an example of the sense of smell.
13. Demo to student how to put glue on cotton ball and glue on top of the sprinkles.
14. Demo to student with a marker, to draw a stem and leaves from the cup cake liner to the bottom of the page.
15. Lastly have student write the word MOM on the top of the paper.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Have students give examples to one another of what they had just learned about the 5 senses.

E. Checking for understanding-

1. Did class learn song and use it to help identify where the sense is located on their self?
2. Ask students how the senses work together.
3. Does student acknowledge the everyday usage of the 5 senses?

F. Closure-

Students will examine the uses of the 5 senses. They will know that all living things can see, hear, taste, smell and touch. Since I have given the students a hands on project that involves all the senses, they will have a concrete understanding of them. When the student actually see and is able to achieve the particular sense.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)