1. Topic-
-The Circle
2. Content-

A big circle

A small circle

This is a (big/small) (colour) circle.


-Recognition of shapes but mainly CIRCLES
-Naming BIG and SMALL
-Sorting out BIG and Small circles
3. Objectives-
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

1.recognise, name,draw and colour circles

2.distinguish between BIG and SMALL circles
4. Materials and Aids-
Circular objects such as:
-a ring,
-a CD
-an elastic band
-Circles of diffrent colours drawn and cut on bristol paper

These things will be brought by the educator since it is the 2nd day at school, we won't have time to ask pupils to bring things.
5. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Introduce the word (CIRCLE)
Let pupils identify circular shapes.

2.Provide children with a collection of BIG and SMALL circles that the educator will have previously draw and cut from bristol paper.

Ask pupils to distinguish and sort out the BIG from the Small circles.

B. Development-

Development and Practice:

1.Introduction of the word (CIRCLE) ORAL/BRAINSTORMING

Let pupils identify circular shapes that will be exposed in class and if they find out/voice out other objects educator will praise them.
-The fan
-a CD
-bottle tops
-elastic bands
-round about

Note:If pupils say a word in french or creole, eductor will help him and say the word again in english so that the pupils hear the word and gets acquainted to it.

2.By the end of the brainstorming activity, the educator writes on board CIRCLE on top of the board and pupils are given time to observe the word.

Then, educator gives a circle to a student and the pupil will have to hold it and say "a circle". when the 1st student finishes he/she will pass the circle to his/her frind in the same group and everybody in turn will do this little activity.

This will help me to check whether they can say the word circle correctly. This will also enable me to correct those who have difficulties and break the monotony of the traditional class.

3.Then educator will provide each group with 2 circles a big one and a small one.
Pupils will be asked to observe the circles and say what they can see.
Expected answers:
A big and a small circle,
or a (colour)/(size) circle.

Then educator sticks a big and a small circle on board and writes above or below the respective circle:

A big circle.
A small circle.


C. Independent Practice-

Summative Assessment:

Educator asks pupils to take out their drawing books, pencils and coloured pencils.

Instructions to pupils and written on board + Educator demonstartes as well.
1.fold your paper in 2 and on one side:
-Draw a big circle and colour it red
on the other part draw a small cirle and colour it blue
on another page do same: but colour big circle yellow and small circle green.

Educator monitors pupils work by walking around.

In the end:

D. Checking for understanding-

Formative & Summative Assessment:

All throught the activities educator will monitor pupils work and correct/help whenever needed.

In the end pupils are given time to copy under the appropriate drawing:

This is a big red circle.

This is a small blue circle.

This is a big yellow circle.

This is a small green circle.

Educator will write the sentences on board and read each one with them showing the pictures.

G. Closure-

Recap of the words learnt:
- Circles
- Big Circle
- Small Circle

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)