1. Topic-
The Letter B
2. Content-
Letter and Word Recognition

Ball,Boat,Brick,Bat,Bus,Boy, Bush,Black,Blue,Bugs
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. Joey will be able to identify words beginning with the letter "B. "
2. Joey will sit for a teacher directed activity.
3. Joey will remain on topic during a teacher directed activity.
4. Objectives-
1. Joey will be able to answer a "wh" question in 4 out of 5 opportunities in a 10 minute period.

2. He wil be able to stay n his seat for 10 minutes with no more than 2 verbal/physical/gestural prompts in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
5. Materials and Aids-
Cut-outs of the words being used, scissors, glue, white computer paper.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. The teacher will tell Joey will have Joey sit at the table.
2. She will then tell Joey that he will be working on his letters today.
3. Teacher will then hand Joey the white piece of computer paper and glue bottle.

B. Development-

1. The teacher will then show Joey and example of the completed project.
2. The teacher will then show Joey how he should use the glue.

C. Practice-

1. Next the Teacher will Hold up the letter "B" and ask "what is this letter?"
2. She will then ask "what sound does this letter make?"
3. Then She will hand the letter to Joey and ask him to glue the letter to the paper.
4. She will then ask Joey to count the pictures are on the example. (10)
5. She will then ask him to make 10 glue dots around the letter "B" to put the pictures on.

D. Independent Practice-

1. She will then hold up the pictures one by one and ask Joey, "what is this?"
2. She will repeat the question until it is answered.
3. The teacher will then ask a follow up question to test if he is on task with the assignment.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. The teacher will repeat the questions if needed.
2. The teacher will also give cues, when needed for Joey to stay in his chair.
3. Also, the teacher will skip a picture, and come back to it at the end, if Joey is struggling with it.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. She will check his understanding by switching the questions she asks for each on, to make sure he is paying attention.
2. She will also sometimes skip the "what is this," question to see if Joey can understand what is expected of him without the verbal ques.
3. She will reward Joey with positive feedback when he correctly answers the question or if he stays seated upright during the activity.

G. Closure-

1. The teacher will have Joey look back over the pictures and point to a few of them for him to repeat the name.
2. She will then ask him follow up questions like, "what was the hardest picture," and "what else starts with the letter "B".
7. Evaluation-
1. Joey's behavior and posture in his seat would be observed and measured throughout the assignment.
2. Joey's ability to pay attention to the activity will be tested and measured through asking him the "wh" questions.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet. com)