1. Topic-
The Letter N
2. Content-
This lesson will cover items that begin with the letter /n/ and the sound associated with the letter. Afterwards the student will discover what the letter N looks like and learn a strategy that will help them to realize that the letter N consists of straight and curved lines.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.I can trace the letter n in sand.
2.I can say the sound of the letter n.
3.I can notice the lowercase and uppercase n.
4. Objectives-
1.SWBAT write lower/uppercase N.
2. SWBAT demonstrate the phonetic sound of n.
3. SWBAT identify the letter n in words.
5. Materials and Aids-
Play doh, worksheets, echo microphone, sand and small tray, erasable markers,nickel, small net, elbow noodles, picture cards of nail/number 9, necklace
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.use tangible items and picture cards to demonstrate in front of student. Point to each item and ask the student to name what it is. If they do not know, just supply them with the correct name.
2. Put materials to the side and show the first page in binder to the student. Point to the letter N and say to the student this is the uppercase N and lowercase n.
3. Explain to student while guiding with fingers that you notice that the uppercase N has three straight lines. Two on the side and one in the middle that connects them together. The lower case n has only one straight line and one curved line. Think out loud that this is how you notice they are different.

B. Development-

1. Bring bag materials used in the introductions and state that each item begins with the letter n.
2.Touch your head and say :n touch your stomach and make the sound n makes and touch your lap to the word. Go through until you notice student is grasping the idea.

C. Practice-

1. ask student to label all of the objects say the letter n touching their head, the sound when they touch their stomach, and the word when they touch their lap.

D. Independent Practice-

1.go to day 1 page in binder and ask student to use play doh to make the letter n on play doh mat.

E. Checking for understanding-

1. student is correctly making the n sound.

G. Closure-

1. ask student to say one item they learned today that begins with the letter n.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)