Subject: American Sign Language I
1. Topic-
English vs. ASL Auxiliary Verbs
2. Content-
"State of Being Verbs" or Auxiliary Verbs
Am, Are, Was, Were, Is Was, Be, Been
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1. To understand the difference between auxiliary verbs used in ASL and used in English
2. Students to understand how to use in ASL
3. Students engage in an activity to truly grasp the concept of excluding auxiliary verbs
4. Objectives-
1. To practice reading sentences using auxiliary verbs and changing the sentences to ASL
2. To watch a movie in ASL looking for ways the signer "didn't use" auxiliary verbs.
3. Play "matching" game to see if the students can find their partner.
5. Materials and Aids-
PowerPoint for slides of sentences; Board for movie to show short film; Index cards for sentences in ASL and sentences in English
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Students think of as many forms of "Be" in English
2. Students will try writing a paragraph without using the form "to be"
3. Teacher will show a short movie in ASL, as students look for the auxiliary verbs"

B. Development-

Teacher will demonstrate ten different sentences using auxiliary verbs in English, changing the sentences to ASL (without those verbs)

C. Practice-

1. Students will be handed a piece of paper, half the class with an English sentence and half written in ASL-Gloss.
2. Students will walk around the room trying to find their match but cannot use their voice and the group of students that have the sentence written in ASL, must sign.
3. Once the students have found their match, they sit together and come up with five more examples of ASL versus English sentences

D. Independent Practice-

1. For homework, the students will use a children's book with very simple sentences (observing the words, is, are, were, etc.) changing at least five different pages to ASL.
2. Students will come to class the following day and present their children's story.

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Teacher will give an assessment to determine if students can sign without using the auxiliary verbs.
2. The assessment will involve handing each student a separate short story and the students will have to sign in front of the class.

G. Closure-

1. Ask the students to summarize what they've learned about "auxiliary verbs"
2. Evaluate their classmates with feedback.
8. Teacher Reflection-
1. Teacher will review the assessments to determine if the students have a grasp on the topic.

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