1. Topic-
French - Les Commandes en Classe
2. Content-
Commands in class
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
4. Objectives-
-Recognize and understand basic plural commands (vous form) used in the classroom -Recognize several common classroom supply objects -Discuss and identify commands that would be appropriate or inappropriate to perform in the classroom or workplace without permission
5. Materials and Aids-

Les ordres
Les objets
une feuille de papier Asseyez-vous.
un stylo
un crayon
le livre
Arrêtez-vous !
la page
Levez la main/le doigt. (Baissez la main.)
le tableau
Dites, « Bonjour ! »
le cahier
Prenez un stylo, etc.
Les numéros* (counting on fingers)
Écrivez la date.
un, deux, trois,
Ouvrez le livre/le cahier. quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
Fermez le livre/le cahier. Lisez la page/le livre. Regardez le tableau/moi/Sophie. Écoutez.
Parlez en français/en anglais.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.Introduce each command first by saying it aloud while holding the written command on a label card and performing the corresponding gesture. Repeat the command again to the students, and signal to them to perform the gesture. Put the card on the board with a magnet. Follow this procedure for a few commands (3-5) and then give students the 3-5 commands in random orders. Students will perform the actions only when the command is announced by you out loud or is silently pointed to on the board. Drill each small group of commands several times to make sure students understand before moving on and adding more commands. Once you are confident that the students understand the first set of 3-5 commands, add about 3 more and repeat the process, this time mixing all commands that have been learned.

B. Development-


C. Practice-

1.Input Activity (Listening/sentence level/referential, Day 1: 15-20+ minutes depending on interest/engagement level, Day 2: 5-10+ minutes) The class will play the game “Jacques a dit” (Simon Says) and the teacher plays the role of “Jacques” saying the commands aloud to the students, who will perform them accordingly, but only if the command begins with, “Jacques a dit.”

D. Independent Practice-

1. Input Activity (Reading/sentence level/referential, set digital timer for 5-10 minutes, take 5-10 minutes to go over answers by calling on volunteers) The students will look at a variety of images representing the commands learned. Using a word bank of commands below the pictures, students will write the correct letter representing each command below each image. The completed activity will be reviewed together as a class with the teacher calling on student volunteers. Answers will be written on the handout under a document camera or on the board/Smartboard.

2. Input Activity (Reading/sentence level/affective, 5-10 minute chunks x 4=2540 minutes total) Students will draw a simple sketch representing each command. Assign only a few to draw at a time (#1-4 for example) and give students 5-10 minutes to complete those sketches. Students will then volunteer to show some of their sketches to the class using the document camera for participation points.

3.Output Activity 1 (Speaking/sentence level/referential and affective, 10 minutes) Assign partners and explain the instructions. Make it clear to students that English is not necessary to complete the activity, and that they will earn up to 3 minutes of Preferred Activity Time/Activités Préférées (AP) to be used after 5 class days if you don't hear any English words, but that for every word of English you hear, you can take away 1 minute of AP. In pairs, each student will be given a different strip of paper containing pictures of several commands. The student will give the commands out loud to his/her partner, who will perform them. The students will then switch roles.


1.Students will be given a short, written quiz to check for understanding

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)