1. Topic-
"How to make an appointment", "How to say how you feel", "How to talk about future arrangements", "How to talk about intentions", "Writing thank-you letters"
2. Content-
Vocabulary: bank manager, dentist, doctor, hairdresser, optician, shop keeper, early, late, mid-, appointment, barber, lenses, prepare, a month ago, later today, midnight tonight, next weekend, now, on Monday of next week, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow evening, yesterday morning, arm, back, foot, hand, head, heart, leg, neck, stomach, ache, flu, ill/sick, pain, well, Can you phone for me?, How do you feel now?, I don't feel well, Phone in sick, Why, what's wrong?, fine, not very well, plans, sick, toothache, officially, I'm just acting, what's wrong with...?, clear out, cut down, fat-free, intentions, joking, organize, quit, reduce, resolutions, smoking, stress, stress-free, weight, alcohol-free, chess, cholesterol-free, herbal tea, mess, nicotine patches, omega 3, saccharine tablets, stress control, that's it!
Focus Grammar: present continuous future; I'm taking Friday off sick. Future intentions; I'm going to get fit. I'm going to lose weight.
3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-
1.ss to be able to practice all English skills.
2.ss able to use new vocabulary in real life situations.
4. Objectives-
1.at the end of the class ss will be aware there are different ways and structures to talk about future in the English language. (Use of gerund for future intentions, going to)
2.at the end of the class students would have learnt new vocabulary which they will be able to use in their real life situations.
3.At the end of the class Ss would have improved and practice the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.
5. Materials and Aids-
Elementary student book, whiteboard, markers, cd player, cd, sheets of paper for grammar section.
6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1.at the beginning of each lesson teacher will start asking his Ss about x topic (warm up)
2. Teacher writes the new vocabulary of the lesson on the whiteboard.

B. Development-

1. Teacher asks his Ss if they know the meaning of the words of the new vocabulary.
2. Teacher gives the meaning of the unknown words using his body expressions, or also gives the meaning of the word but in english using synonyms.

C. Practice-

1.then teacher pronounce the new vocabulary, afterwards Ss repeat the pronunciation of those words, in that way Ss can practice.
2.teacher randomly select some of his Ss to repeat the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

D. Independent Practice-

At the end of each lesson; there is a section that is called ABCD Put it all together, this section allow Ss to practice what they have learnt.


E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Teacher along with his Ss will answer the exercises of the student book, so in that way Ss work alone or in teams, also Ss have the chance to develop all of their English skills; writing, listening, reading comprehension, speaking.
2.teacher gives his Ss a specific time to answer each of the exercises in the book.
3. Then teacher randomly chooses some of his Ss, so all together check the answers.

F. Checking for understanding-

1.at the end of each class, teacher will be aware if his Ss need more practice or if they have achieved the outcomes.
2. In case Ss need more practice or the issue are doubts, teacher will explain once again or will place more examples so Ss can understand.

This Lesson Plan is available at (www.teacherjet.com)